Publications by QuestionFlow
Struggle with Harry Potter Data
Notes about creation of Harry Potter Books Survey. It is not over, I need your help. Prologue Right now I am in the final stage of developing two packages devoted to results of abstract competitions (still not perfectly ready, so use with caution): comperes – infrastructure package for dealing with different formats of competition r...
11979 sym R (2586 sym/1 pcs)
Harry Potter and competition results with comperes
Exploration of Harry Potter Books Survey results with help of my new comperes package. Prologue About a month ago I decided to add interesting data set to my almost finished (hopefully, soon to be on CRAN) comperes package. Data should represent results of some not ordinary competition. After some thought I picked a “competition” b...
8494 sym R (11324 sym/14 pcs) 8 img
General gems of comperes
Examples of exported functions from comperes package that could be useful for general tasks. Prologue I am very glad to announce that my new package comperes is on CRAN now. It provides tools for managing competition results in a tidy manner as much as possible. For more information go to: Package README. Package vignettes. My previou...
4897 sym R (4789 sym/6 pcs)
Harry Potter and rankings with comperank
Ranking Harry Potter books with comperank package. Prologue Package comperank is on CRAN now. It offers consistent implementations of several ranking and rating methods. Originally, it was intended to be my first CRAN package when I started to build it 13 months ago. Back then I was very curious to learn about different ranking and rat...
10218 sym R (7689 sym/11 pcs)
Animating mode variability with tidyverse and tweenr
Provided different probability distributions, animate independent sample distributions to demonstrate mode variability. There is a thorough code description with some subtle tips and tricks. Prologue Not so long time ago I encountered the following task: given several groups of samples (one group – several samples from one distributi...
13149 sym R (17130 sym/17 pcs) 16 img
Elo and EloBeta models in snooker
Research about adequacy of Elo based models applied to snooker match results. Contains a novel approach (EloBeta) targeted for sport results with variable “best of N” format. Prologue For many years I’ve been following snooker as a sport. It has it all: hypnotic beauty of smart play, elegance of cue strikes and psychological tens...
22569 sym R (18682 sym/11 pcs) 6 img 2 tbl
Transformers, glue!
General description of transformers functionality in {glue} with some potentially useful examples. Prologue Package {glue} is designed as “small, fast, dependency free” tools to “glue strings to data in R”. To put simply, it provides concise and flexible alternatives for paste() with some additional features: library(glue) x <...
3916 sym R (4072 sym/10 pcs)
Announcing pdqr
Announcing ‘pdqr’: package for working with custom distribution functions. Prologue I have been working on ‘pdqr’ package for quite some time now. Initially it was intended only for creating custom distribution functions (analogues of base “p”, “d”, “q”, and “r” functions) from numeric sample. However, after cou...
10239 sym R (5721 sym/17 pcs) 12 img
Arguments of stats::density()
Animated illustrations of how arguments affect output of `stats::density()`. Prologue In R, one of the “go to” functions for kernel density estimation is density() from base R package ‘stats’. Given numeric sample, it returns a set of x-y pairs on estimated density curve. It is also a main “workhorse” for estimating continu...
7281 sym R (5008 sym/10 pcs) 16 img
Local randomness in R
One approach of using random number generation inside a function without affecting outer state of random generator. Prologue Let’s say we have a deterministic (non-random) problem for which one of the solutions involves randomness. One very common example of such problem is a function minimization on certain interval: it can be solve...
3591 sym R (2534 sym/6 pcs)