Publications by Michal
Szkolenie z analizy sieciowej
Summary in English: We are organizing a two-day workshop on network analysis in R. The dates are 2-3 of December, 2015. The workshop will be in Polish. For more information and registration see this page. Zapraszamy na szkolenie z analizy sieciowej w R w dniach 2-3 grudnia 2015. Analiza sieci społecznych (ang. Social Network Analysis, SNA) to po...
1841 sym 2 img
Sunbelt and EUSN workshops on using R and ‘igraph’ for SNA
I would like to (re)announce the workshop I will be giving on using R and ‘igraph’ for Social Network Analysis on the upcoming Sunbelt 2016 conference in Newport Beach. My goal is to provide gentle and practical tour through the SNA functionality of R package “igraph”. The exact date of the Sunbelt workshop is Tuesday April 5th, 8:00am �...
4108 sym
Metodologiczne inspiracje 2016
English summary: On 2016-09-28 I presented an application of methods of estimating Exponential-family Random Graph Models from ego-centrically sampled data. Conference was in Polish. See the program and my slides for further details. W zeszłym tygodniu (28-30.09.2016) miała miejsce konferencja Metodologiczne Inspiracje 2016. Badania ilościowe...
1178 sym 2 img
Linear splines with convenient parametrisations
I have just published a small package lspline on CRAN that implements linear splines using convenient parametrisations such that coefficients are slopes of consecutive segments coefficients capture slope change at consecutive knots Knot locations can be specified manually (with lspline()) at breaks dividing the range of x into q equal-frequenc...
2522 sym R (1138 sym/11 pcs) 8 img 4 tbl
Project opportunity in Natural Language Processing of historical texts in Portuguese
We are looking for a person with good skills and experience in Natural Language Processing for our project on the boundary of history and social network analysis. The project involves analysis of historical documents and written communication (e.g. letters) in Portuguese. Skills/experience: Skills and experience in text mining and natural langua...
1403 sym