Publications by Michal

Package ‘intergraph’ (1.1-0) released!


I just released the first official version of the ‘intergraph’ R package. With the functions provided in the current version (1.1-0) you can convert network data objects between classes ‘igraph’ and ‘network’. The package supports directed and undirected networks, and handles the node, tie, and network (graph) attributes. Mutliplex ne...

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SNA with R workshop at Sunbelt XXXII in Redondo Beach


I am currently in Redondo Beach, CA at the Sunbelt XXXII social networks conference. The program is thick from numerous interesting talks so the event promises to be very interesting. Today in the morning I gave the workshop “Introduction to Social Network Analysis with R”. Over 50 people registered. I am grateful to all the participants for ...

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Updates to package ‘intergraph’


On June 17 a new version (0.6) of package ”igraph” was released. This new version abandoned the old way of indexing graph vertices with consecutive numbers starting from 0. The new version now numbers the vertices starting from 1, which is more consistent with the general R convention of indexing vectors, matrices, etc. Because this change ...

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Correction to intergraph update


It turned out that I wrote the last post on “intergraph” package too hastily. After some feedback from CRAN maintainers and deliberation I decided to release the updated version of the “intergraph” package under the  original name (so no new package “intergraph0″) with version number 1.2. This version relies on legacy “igraph” ve...

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Brokering Closure is moving


Dear readers, this blog is moving out from to a new location. The new address is Please update your bookmarks. Drodzy czytelnicy, blog “Brokering Closure” wyprowadza się z pod nowy adres: Zaktualizujcie swoje linki/zakładki. Filed under: game theory, geek, networ...

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R Color Reference Sheet


R has a built-in collection of 657 colors that you can use in plotting functions by using color names. There are also various facilities to select color sequences more systematically: Color palettes and ramps available in packages RColorBrewer and colorRamps. R base functions colorRamp and colorRampPalette that you can use to create your own col...

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Package intergraph goes 2.0


Yesterday I submitted a new version (marked 2.0-0) of package ‘intergraph’ to CRAN. There are some major changes and bug fixes. Here is a summary: The package supports “igraph” objects created with ‘igraph’ version 0.6-0 and newer (vertex indexing starting from 1, not 0) only! Main functions for converting network data between object...

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Gadka na SERze


These are slides from the very first SER meeting – an R user group in Warsaw – that took place on February 27, 2014. I talked about various “lifehacking” tricks for R and focused how to use R with GNU make effectively. I will post some detailed examples in forthcoming posts. Oto moje slajdy z pierwszego Spotkania Entuzjastów R (SER) ...

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Alluvial diagrams


Parallel coordinates plot is one of the tools for visualizing multivariate data. Every observation in a dataset is represented with a polyline that crosses a set of parallel axes corresponding to variables in the dataset. You can create such plots in R using a function parcoord in package MASS. For example, we can create such plot for the built-i...

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Linear models with weighted observations


In data analysis it happens sometimes that it is neccesary to use weights. Contexts that come to mind include: Analysis of data from complex surveys, e.g. stratified samples. Sample inclusion probabilities might have been unequal and thus observations from different strata should have different weights. Application of propensity score weighting ...

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