Publications by Matt Leonawicz
Mix ggplot2 graphs with your favorite memes. memery 0.4.2 released.
Make memorable plots with memery. memery is an R package that generates internet memes including superimposed inset graphs and other atypical features, combining the visual impact of an attention-grabbing meme with graphic results of data analysis. Version 0.4.2 of memery is now on CRAN. The latest development version and a package vignette are a...
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Introducing tabr: guitar tabs with R
This post introduces a new R package I am working on called tabr for creating guitar tablature (“tabs”) from R code. The tabr package provides programmatic music notation and a wrapper around LilyPond for creating quality guitar tablature. [Click here for original post] (in process of switching where I post to R-Bloggers from) tabr offers fun...
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