Publications by Matt Leonawicz

Upload shapefile to R Shiny app to extract leaflet map data


In this post I share an R Shiny app which uses the leaftlet package for interactive maps. This app differs from prior apps I’ve made featuring leaflet maps. First, it displays rasterized map data rather than just point layers. Also, longitude and latitude sliders in the browser allow for cropping the map. Additionally, the user can upload a sha...

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R Shiny leaflet: using observers


Using leaflet in R is fairly simple and there are plenty of online resources and examples available already. See the RStudio tutorial to get started if you haven’t already. This post presents a series of examples which build upon each other. The code displays both point data and raster data on leaflet maps with Shiny app integration. The focus...

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Animated great circles on rotating 3D Earth: Example R code


Making still frames for great circle animations in R Matthew Leonawicz Here I share R code I used to produce animated great circle arcs on top of a rotating 3D Earth. The code is not entirely reproducible but you should be able to use what is shared here to create your own video frames given your unique data and computing environment and resource...

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Animate maps with mapmate: R package for map- and globe-based still image sequences


Introduction to mapmate mapmate (map animate) is an R package for map animation. It is used to generate and save a sequence of plots to disk as a still image sequence intended for later use in data animation production. The mapmate package is used for map- and globe-based data animation pre-production. Specifically, mapmate functions are used to ...

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mapmate 0.0.2


mapmate is an R package for map- and globe-based data animation pre-production. Specifically, mapmate functions are used to generate and save to disk a series of global map graphics that make up a still image sequence, which can then be used in video editing and rendering software of the user’s choice. This package does not make simple gif anim...

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mapmate 0.1.0


mapmate has now been updating from version 0.0.2 to 0.1.0 on Github. The biggest addition is a number of plotting options for making different kinds of maps. The new tutorial content below provides a number of code examples for making a variety of maps and also highlights current limitations associated with certain map types and settings. Since t...

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mapmate 0.2.0


mapmate has now been updating from version 0.1.0 to 0.2.0 on Github. The key change is the incorporation of new functions, help docs and code examples focused on network maps, which is a more complex map type not previously covered. The new tutorial content below provides a a couple basic code examples for making network maps with mapmate. While ...

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Custom images for Shiny dashboard valueBox icons


The shinydashboard package provides functions like valueBox that conveniently display basic information like summary statistics. In addition to presenting a value and subtitle on a colored background, an icon may be included as well. However, the icon must come from either the Font Awesome or Glyphicon icon libraries and cannot be image files. I�...

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Assorted Shiny apps collection, full code and data


Here is an assortment of R Shiny apps that you may find useful for exploration if you are in the process of learning Shiny and looking for something different. Some of these apps are very small and simple whereas others are large and complex. This repository provides full code and any necessary accompanying data sets. The repo also links to the a...

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Make memorable plots with memery. v0.3.0 now on CRAN.


Make memorable plots with memery. memery is an R package that generates internet memes including superimposed inset graphs and other atypical features, combining the visual impact of an attention-grabbing meme with graphic results of data analysis. Version 0.3.0 of memery is now on CRAN. The latest development version and a package vignette are av...

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