Publications by Kay Cichini
Tcl/Tk GUI Example with Variable Input by User
I recently used R with GUI-elements for the first time and browsed through the available online resources, but I didn’t quite find what I was searching for: The user should be able to put in some variables and call a function with a button. In the end I did it with a little help from SO. Here is the working example that I eventually plugged tog...
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Web-Scraper for Google Scholar Updated!
I have updated the Google Scholar Web-Scraper Function GScholarScaper_2 to GScholarScraper_3 (and GScholarScaper_3.1) as it was outdated due to changes in the Google Scholar html-code. The new script is more slender and faster. It returns a dataframe or optionally a CSV-file with the titles, authors, publications & links. Feel free to report bugs...
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Toy Example with GScholarScraper_3.1
A commentator on my blog brought up this nice idea of how to use the GScholarScraper function for bibliometrics..I altered the code a little bit which enables to set a year since when results should be returned and added a field to the output collecting the year of publication. With this you can simply do something like this:input <- "intitle:met...
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Follow-Up: Making a Word Cloud for a Search Result from GScholar_Scraper_3.1
Here’s a short follow-up on how to produce a word cloud for a search result from GScholarScraper_3.1:# File-Name: GScholarScraper_3.1.R # Date: 2012-08-22 # Author: Kay Cichini # Email: [email protected] # Purpose: Scrape Google Scholar search result # Packages used: XML # Licence: CC BY-SA-NC # # Arguments: # (1) input: # A search string as u...
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Get Long-Term Climate Data from KNMI Climate Explorer
You can query global climate data from the KNMI Climate Explorer (the KNMI is the Royal Netherlands Metereological Institute) with R.Here’s a little example how I retreived data for my hometown Innsbruck, Austria and plotted annual total precipitation. You can choose station data by pointing at a map, by setting coordinates, etc.# g...
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Online Questionnaire & Report Generation with Google Drive & R
Here’s how I did it in 3 easy steps: (1) Set up a form in Google Docs/Drive. (2) Choose “Actions” and “Embed in Website” to get the URL for the iframe and put it in a post, like below. Then, go to the spreadsheet view of the form on Google Docs/Drive and set the share option to “everyone with the link” or “public” an...
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Use GBIF and googleVis to Make Maps with Species Occurrence Data
This is a short follow up on THIS posting.. I will briefly show how to use the dismo- and the googeVis package to plot species occurrences on an interactive Google map, like the one below (HERE is the R-script)MapID2ce4348e653Data: points • Chart ID: MapID2ce4348e653 R version 2.15.1 (2012-06-22) • googleVis-0.2.17• Google Terms...
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Reading and Text Mining a PDF-File in R
I just added this R-script that reads a PDF-file to R and does some text mining with it to my Github repo.. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: theBioBucket*. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutorials about learning R and many other topics. Click here if you'...
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Merging Dataframes by Partly Matching String
The latest posting by Tony Hirst sparked my attention because I was thinking about a very similar issue recently.I was also fiddling around with agrep and adist until I realised that for this very issue matching of substrings is not as important as matching multiple words.. With this different approach I quite easily matched all but 3...
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So, What Are You? ..A Plant? ..An Animal? — Nope, I’m a Fungus!
Lately I had a list of about 1000 species names and I wanted to filter out only the plants as that is where I come from. I knew that Scott Chamberlain has put together the ritis package which obviously can do such things. However, I knew of ITIS before and was keen to give it a shot..Here’s what I’ve come up with (using the ITIS API, updated ...
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