Publications by Kay Cichini

Download all Documents from Google Drive with R


A commentator on my blog recently asked if it is possible to retrieve all direct links to your Google Documents. And indeed it can be very easily done with R, just like so: # you'll need RGoogleDocs (with RCurl dependency..) install.packages("RGoogleDocs", repos = "", type="source") library(RGoogleDocs) gpasswd = "...

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R GIS: Generalizer for KML Paths


I’m posting a recent project’s spin-off, which is a custom line-generalizer which I used for huge KML-paths. Anyone with a less clumpsy approach?## line generalizing function: takes two vectors of with x/ycoords ## and return ids of x/y elements which distance to its next element ## is shorter than the average distance between co...

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R GIS: Function to Reverse KML Paths


This is a function I wrote up for reversing KML-paths. The paths within a KML can partially matched by their name-tags## name: ReverseKmlPath ## use: Reverser a KML-path by matching its ## arguments: PATH_TO_DOC the path to the KML-file ## NAME the value of the name tag, function uses partial ...

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Make a KML-File from an OpenStreetMap Trail


Ever wished to use a trail on OSM on your GPS or smartphone? With this neat little R-Script this can easily be done. You’ll just need to search OpenStreetMap for the ID of the trail (way), put this as argument to osmar::get_osm, convert to KML and you’re good to go!# get OSM data library(osmar) library(maptools) rotewandsteig <- ...

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