Publications by Joseph Rickert

DeployR Enterprise Security Model


by Ramkumar Chandrasekeran, Software Engineer – Microsoft R Tiger Team DeployR Enterprise is designed to deliver analytics solutions at scale to whomever needs it: inside or outside the enterprise. It also guarantees secure delivery of your analytics via DeployR web services. These secure web services integrate seamlessly with existing enterp...

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An R Users Guide to JSM 2016


by Joseph Rickert My impression is that the JSM has become ever more R friendly over recent years, but with two sessions organized around R tools and several talks featuring R packages, this year may turn out to be the beginning of a new era where conference organizers see value in putting R on the agenda and prospective speakers perceive it to b...

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ROC Curves in Two Lines of R Code


by Bob Horton, Microsoft Data Scientist ROC curves are commonly used to characterize the sensitivity/specificity tradeoffs for a binary classifier. Most machine learning classifiers produce real-valued scores that correspond with the strength of the prediction that a given case is positive. Turning these real-valued scores into yes or no predicti...

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Simulating from the Bivariate Normal Distribution in R


by Joseph Rickert My guess is that a good many statistics students first encounter the bivariate Normal distribution as one or two hastily covered pages in an introductory text book, and then don't think much about it again until someone asks them to generate two random variables with a given correlation structure. Fortunately for R users, a litt...

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Deep Learning Part 1: Comparison of Symbolic Deep Learning Frameworks


by Anusua Trivedi, Microsoft Data Scientist Background and Approach This blog series is based on my upcoming talk on re-usability of Deep Learning Models at the Hadoop+Strata World Conference in Singapore. This blog series will be in several parts – where I describe my experiences and go deep into the reasons behind my choices. Deep learning is...

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R Packages for Data Access


by Joseph Rickert Data Science is all about getting access to interesting data, and it is really nice when some kind soul not only points out an interesting data set but also makes it easy for you to access it. Below is a list of 17 R packages that appeared on CRAN between May 1st and August 8th that, in one way or another, provide access to publ...

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Interview with J.J. Allaire


by Joseph Rickert Welcome to “R Views”, the new R Community blog from RStudio. For this first post, I sat down with J.J. Allaire, RStudio’s founder and CEO, to discuss RStudio’s history, its mission and JJ’s vision for its future. In a short time, we touched on a wide range of subjects including RStudio’s business, the growth of the R...

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August Package Picks


by Joseph Rickert 141 new packages landed on CRAN in August. The following are my picks for the most interesting packages in four categories. My selection criteria were brutally simple: to make the list, a package had to have enough documentation for me to have some idea about what it does, and also, in my judgment, provide some functionality ...

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September Package Picks


by Joseph Rickert September was a bit of a slow month for new R packages. Only 96 new packages showed up un CRAN. Nevertheless, I have picked out 23 for special mention which I have listed in 5 categories. I used the same selection criteria as I described in the post for August picks. Data and Interfaces darksky V1.0.0: Provides an interface to ...

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Naive Bayes: A Generative Model and Big Data Classifier


by Joseph Rickert I found my way into data science and machine learning relatively late in my career. When I began reading papers on supervised learning I was delighted to find that good old logistic regression was considered a “go to” classifier. This was like learning that an old friend was admired for an achievement I didn’t know anythin...

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