Publications by Joseph Rickert
Using Microsoft R Server on a single machine for experiments with 600 million taxi rides.
by Dmitry Pechyoni, Microsoft Data Scientist The New York City taxi dataset is one of the largest publicly available datasets. It has about 1.1 billion taxi rides in New York City. Previously this dataset was explored and visualized in a number of blog posts, where the authors used various technologies (e.g., PostgreSQL and Apache Elastic Search...
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The R Packages of UseR! 2016
by Joseph Rickert It is always a delight to discover a new and useful R package, and it is especially nice when the discovery comes with at context and testimonial to its effectiveness. It is also satisfying to be able to check in once in awhile and get an idea of what people think is hot, or current or trending in the R world. The schedule for t...
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Exploring Global Internet Performance Data Using R
by Lourdes O. Montenegro Lourdes O. Montenegro is a PhD candidate at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore. Her research interests cover the intersection of applied data science, technology, economics and public policy. Many of us now find it hard to live without a good quality internet connection. As a result...
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R, Stan and Bayesian Statistics
by Joseph Rickert Just about two and a half years ago I wrote about some resources for doing Bayesian statistics in R. Motivated by the tutorial Modern Bayesian Tools for Time Series Analysis by Harte and Weylandt that I attended at R/Finance last month, and the upcoming tutorial An Introduction to Bayesian Inference using R Interfaces to Stan t...
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The useR! 2016 Tutorials
by Joseph Rickert Over the years I have seen several excellent tutorials at useR!conferences that were not only very satisfying “you had to be there” experiences but were also backed up with meticulously prepared materials of lasting value. This year, quite a few useR!20i6 tutorials measure up to this level of quality. My take on why thing...
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Using Microsoft R Server and dplyrxdf to Predict Flight Arrival Delays
by Konstantin Golyaev, Data Scientist at Microsoft I recently participated in an internal one-day Microsoft R Server (MRS) hackathon. For an experienced base R user but a complete MRS novice, this turned out to be an interesting challenge. R has fantastic and unparalleled set of tools for exploratory data analysis, as long as your data set is sm...
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useR! 2016 Tutorials: Part 2
by Joseph Rickert Last week, I mentioned a few of the useR tutorials that I had the opportunity to attend. Here are the links to the slides and code for all but two of the tutorials: Regression Modeling Strategies and the rms Package – Frank HarrellUsing Git and GitHub with R, RStudio, and R Markdown – Jennifer BryanEffective Shiny Programm...
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Some New R Packages
by Joseph Rickert New R packages keep rolling into CRAN at a prodigious rate: 184 in May, 195 in June and July looks like it will continue the trend. I spent some time sorting through them and have picked out a few that that are interesting from a data science point of view. ANLP provides functions for building text prediction models. It contain...
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Sustainability through Energy Load Shaping for Buildings using R
by Mike Wise, Data Scientist / Solution Architect – MCS Incubation Services Background Building energy consumption is a huge component of energy consumption. In the USA for example, around 40 percent of the energy consumed is in buildings, and as the USA consumes something like 25 percent of the worlds energy, it is clear we are talking about ...
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More data scientists prefer R: survey
by Joseph Rickert Last week in a webinar, Burtch Works, an Illinois based executive recruiting firm that specializes in finding analytic talent, released the results of their third annual survey of “quantitative business professionals”. Other than having attended this webinar, I have no knowledge of Burtch Works, but I am willing to take thei...
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