Publications by Jeffrey Horner

Oracle R, Hash Table Results, And VIM To The Rescue


Downloaded and installed Solaris 11.2 on my laptop, and WOW! That was a throwback to the late 90’s! Old version of GNOME, no truetype fonts so the whole visual experience was very pixelly. Firefox was installed but every website I visited yelled, “YOU’RE RUNNING AN OLD BROWSER!!! UPGRADE NOW!” The purpose was to benchmark hash table perfo...

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TidyR Challenge: Help Me Do My Job


Last week I was handed a drug prescription data set and asked to create some interesting graphics. But before I can even get to the fun part, I was faced with actually transforming the set into something that ggplot2 could read. Obviously I can’t share the data, but Tyler Rinker has created a fantastic package called wakefield that creates “r...

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TidyR Challenge: Update


In my last post I described a data set that was a bit cumbersome to parse and I wanted to tidy it up before I could begin visually exploring. You know, the fun part. I wasn’t 100% happy with my solution so I candidly asked the internet to Help Me Do My Job. One solution involved a development version of data.table; it had some issues so I’ll ...

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TidyR Challenge: Data.Table Solution


Arun Srinivasan is the man! Once he saw that his data.table solution to the TidyR Challenge had an issue, he fixed it! His solution is below along with a quick equivalence test to my original solution, and check out this stackOverflow question for a more engaging discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of both dplyr/tidyr and data.table. Fak...

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Old is New: XML and rvest


Huh… I didn’t realize just how similar rvest was to XML until I did a bit of digging. After my wonderful experience using dplyr and tidyr recently, I decided to revisit some of my old RUNNING code and see if it could use an upgrade by swapping out the XML dependency with rvest. Ultra Signup: Treasure Trove of Ultra Data If you’re into ultra...

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Is This How You Dplyr?


Yesterday I ran into a fairly complex issue regarding dplyr mutation and I wanted to get your take on my solution. I have two data frames with the same identifiers and two different date columns which I need to merge into one date column, with the value of the earlier of the two dates if both are present, or any valid date when one or the other i...

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No THIS Is How You Dplyr and Data.Table!


So, I got some great solutions to my dplyr mutation problem to share. Just wait until you see these things! Remember, I was having trouble reconciling two date columns into a minimum value in the presence of NA values. Here’s the fake data again: library(wakefield) library(tidyr) library(dplyr) library(data.table) x <- r_data_frame(n=10,id,dat...

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This is one of my favorite ggplot2 plots I’ve ever made, but it…


This is one of my favorite ggplot2 plots I’ve ever made, but it makes me sad. Can you deduce what this plot conveys? Explain the sporadically dashed colored horizontal bands. Explain the red vertical bars. Explain the black vertical bars. If you answer all three correctly, and you can explain the rest of the plot, I’ll give you the code. Rel...

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