Publications by Jeffrey Horner

Another Year, Another rApache Release


I’m feeling chancy, just like those two angels who took a chance on me so many years ago… So I decided to release rApache 1.1.15. You can grab the source from Notable change includes support for deploying Rook applications, which you’ll be able to do once I release the next version of Rook. Due out shortly. Cheers! Related To...

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Rook 1.0-3 updated to run on rApache


So if you’re in need of deploying that nifty Rook app you made, download the latest release 0.1-3 on my github account or wait for it to appear on CRAN. That is all. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Jeffrey Horner. offers daily e-mail updates about R news and tutori...

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Double Release: Rook 1.0-5 and rApache 1.1.21


I wanted to get these releases out the door before the useR conference, especially since I’m giving a tutorial on Rook! There were two bugs found in Rook, not by me, but by users! This is a fantastic step in the right direction as it’s an indication that other people besides me are actually using my software. You can wait for Rook 1.0-5 to hi...

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Announcing The R markdown Package


Many of you have heard about RStudio’s latest release and it’s new R Markdown feature. Today, I’d like to announce the markdown package for R, a tool for converting Markdown documents to HTML, created in collaboration with RStudio. It offers the complete R Markdown feature set available in their best-of-breed IDE, however useRs can integrat...

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Rook Tutorial at useR! 2012


I had such a blast presenting my tutorial on Rook yesterday. Thanks go out to all who attended! All the slides are online here and I’ll be updating my RookTutorial github project with all the great suggestions I got from the attendees. Also, check back soon as I’m planning more postings on Rook. Cheers! Related To leave a comment for the a...

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Blog with R Markdown and tumblr: Part I


I finally got a chance this weekend to settle on a way to include R Markdown into my blogging process. I needed to do this as my subsequent postings will involve more code chunks regarding Rook deployment and examples, and R Markdown formats and highlights code chunks like a boss! If you want to incorporate R code, math equations, and R plots lik...

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Blog with R Markdown and tumblr: Part II


In Part I of this series I described how to set up your tumblr blog so that you can create posts like those on the example site R Markdown Blog. Now I’ll describe how you can actually create such posts. I’ll be using the RStudio IDE for the desktop in all the steps below, but know that you can use your own version of R and your own editor for...

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Wrap-up on Blogging with R Markdown and tumblr


This is a wrap-up post to summarize a few of the issues I’ve found so far with blogging on tumblr with R Markdown. tumblr Puts a 1Mb Cap On Its HTML Editor Fair warning. When I tried eating my own dogfood while writing the previous posts, I found that I had to manually upload all those pretty screenshots of the tumblr interface. For some reason...

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Deploy Rook Apps with rApache: Part I


Since rApache 1.1.15 you’ve been able to deploy you Rook applications like so: # Run the Rook application named 'app'. On each request, the expression # 'Rook::Server$call(app)' is evaluated in an environment populated by # rookapp.R. 'app' is expected to be found in that environment. <Location /test/RookApp> SetHandler r-handler ...

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rApache 1.2.0 Released


With this release comes a minor change in behavior: for requests that have been configured with RFileEval, RFileHandler, or using the r-script handler, rApache will set the working directory to the file’s directory. For instance with a Rook deployment like this: <Location /hmisc> SetHandler r-handler RFileEval "/home/hornerj...

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