Publications by Jason Bryer

useR 2014 Slides for PSAboot and Version 1.1 on CRAN


PSAboot is an R package to assist with bootstrapping propensity score methods. I gave a talk today at the useR! 2014 Conference. The slides can be downloaded from the PSAboot Github page or directly here. The package is described at and maintained on Github at Also, version 1.1 of the package wa...

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Women Graduates in Math, Statistics, and Computer Information Systems


One of the more interesting talks at this year’s useR! Conference was the heR Panel discussing the role of women in the R community. They estimate that fewer than 15% of package authors are women. One of the points brought up was that this is less than the percentage of women in statistics. Perhaps this is more related to the computer science a...

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Data Caching


Data caching is not new. It is often necessary to save intermediate data files when the process of loading and/or manipulating data takes a considerable amount of time. This problem is further complicated when working with dynamic data that changes regularly. In these situations it often sufficient to use data that is current with in some time fr...

5006 sym R (2428 sym/9 pcs)

Shiny App for Bayes Billiards Problem


Consider a pool table of length one. An 8-ball is thrown such that the likelihood of its stopping point is uniform across the entire table (i.e. the table is perfectly level). The location of the 8-ball is recorded, but not known to the observer. Subsequent balls are thrown one at a time and all that is reported is whether the ball st...

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Conducting Assessments and Surveys with Shiny


This post describes a framework for using Shiny for conducting, grading, and providing feedback for assessments. This framework supports any multiple choice format including multiple choice tests or Likert type surveys. A demo is available at or can be run locally as a Github Gist: runGist('a6...

5034 sym R (919 sym/6 pcs)