Publications by Jason Bryer
Version 0.9 of timeline on CRAN
The initial version of the timeline package has been released to CRAN. This package provides creates timeline plots using ggplot2 in a style similar to Preceden. I would considered this beta quality as there are more features I would like to add but has enough functionality to possibly be useful to others. install.packages('timeline',repos='http:...
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TriMatch – useR! 2013 Slides and Version 0.9 Released to CRAN
Our presentation on the TriMatch package at the useR! 2013 Conference went fantastically. Thanks for those who attended and the wonderful discussion that followed. The slides can be downloaded from Github as well as the abstract. To coincide with our presentation version 0.9 has been released to CRAN. The package includes a vignette and two demos...
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Version 1.1 of the likert Package Released to CRAN
After some delay, we are happy to finally get version 1.1 of the likert package on CRAN. Although labeled 1.1, this is actually the first version of the package released to CRAN. After receiving some wonderful feedback from useR! this year, we held back releasing until we implemented many of the feature suggestions. The NEWS file details most of ...
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Workshop and Talk Slides from NEAIR Conference
I am about to head home from my fifth time attending the North East Association for Institutional Research (NEAIR), this year in Newport, RI, which was just fantastic. Really great people, interesting talks, and good food. I again taught an Introduction to R and LaTeX for Institutional Research pre-conference workshop and also gave a talk on Prop...
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Bootstrapping for Propensity Score Analysis
I am happy to announce that version 1.0 of the PSAboot package has been released to CRAN. This package implements bootstrapping for propensity score analysis. This deviates from typical implementations such as boot in that it allows for separate sampling specifications for treatment and control units. For example, in the case where the ratio of t...
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Function to Simplify Loading and Installing Packages
One of the more tedious parts of working with R is maintaining my R library. To make my R scripts reproducible and sharable, I will install packages if they are not available. For example, the top of my R scripts tend to look something like this: if(!require(devtools) | !require(ggplot2) | !require(psych) | !require(lme4) | !require(benchmark)) {...
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Albany, NY R Users Group
I have started an R Users Group for the Albany, NY area. Hopefully we get enough interest that we can host a meeting in the next couple of months. Please feel free to share with your colleagues and friends. Feel free to email me or leave comment on this page or on the Meetup page if you are interested in giving...
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Using Gitbook with R Markdown
Gitbook has been getting some (deserved) attention. For those who haven’t seen it, Gitbook is a system to create really beautiful interactive web (or PDF and ebook) books. For me, the timing of discovering this framework could not be better as I am preparing documentation for propensity score analysis for an upcoming workshop I am giving. Of co...
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Rgitbook Package for Using R Markdown with Gitbook
Last week I published an R script to interface with Gitbook. I received some positive feedback and decided to include all the code in an R package. This also allowed me to make some nice additions including default support for MathJax. It is currently available on Github and can be installed using devtools: devtools::install_github('jbryer/Rgitbo...
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str Implementation for Data Frames
The str function is perhaps the most useful function in R. It provides great information about the structure of some object. When I teach R, especially for those coming from SPSS, the str function for data frames provides the information they are use to seeing on the variable view tab. However, sometimes I want to display the information str retu...
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