Publications by Jack Wright

Assignment 1 Jack Wright 607


The following is an R markdown in which I am cleaning and subsetting some MLB playoff projections from the 538 blog. The page I am pulling this dataset from is: Loading and Preparing the data from 538 I loaded the data using the method outlined in “Automated Data Collection- Chapter 1�...

2155 sym R (1302 sym/7 pcs)

Data 607 Assignment 2 Jack Wright


SQL and R This projects objective is to load two .csv files in SQL, handle the null values on import, join the tables and load this output into a datframe in R. Data Collection the following is a link to the github with the csv files and the SQL program to import them. Github Link Importing and Preparing Data The data is imported and handled in...

1261 sym R (1456 sym/9 pcs)

Assignment 5


Load Packages library(tidyverse) library(RCurl) Get data from github using RCurl package url<-"" dat<-read.csv(url) Tidying data lets take a look, I will note in the comments what actions I will take to tidy the data. #rename a couple columns for ease of use names(dat)[1]...

998 sym R (1728 sym/8 pcs) 1 img

Data 607, Jack Wright, Assignment 3


library(openintro) library(stringr) library(RCurl) library(tidyverse) library(dplyr) Exercise 1: Provide Code that Identifies Majors with “Data” or “Statistics” in the name #Read data into R using RCurl x <- getURL("") college_data <- read.csv(...

5613 sym R (2351 sym/16 pcs)

Project 1- Jack Wright


Attach Libraries library(dplyr) library(stringr) Load Data #loads data from text file-JACK WRIGHT, his is better because it pulls data from web #list.files(path="C:/data", full.names = TRUE) #chess_data <- readLines("C:/data/tournamentinfo.txt") #Cameron Smith- loads data from github chess_data <- readLines("https://raw.githubusercontent....

501 sym R (3105 sym/6 pcs)

Assignment 7


Libraries library(tidyverse) library(RCurl) library(XML) library(xml2) Strategy I will be using some packages I have used in the past, and some I have researched on the internet to most efficiently load html, json and xml tables from the web. Loading an HTML file library(rvest) ## ## Attaching package: 'rvest' ## The following object is ma...

253 sym R (2928 sym/19 pcs)

Lab 7


library(tidyverse) library(openintro) library(infer) Exercise 1 The cases are about 13583 school aged children. Remember that you can answer this question by viewing the data in the data viewer or by using the following command: data(yrbss) Exercise 2 How many observations are we missing weights from? summary(yrbss$weight) ## Min. 1st Qu...

18099 sym R (8909 sym/71 pcs) 5 img

Assignment 9- APIs


library(tidyverse) library(jsonlite) library(httr) Process I am using the NY Times API for article searches. I want to search for articles about the New York Jets from the sports desk over the last year. I will be generating the API request programattically. Creating the request for the GET() function in HTTR: Load api key location<-"c:\\pas...

1215 sym R (1872 sym/14 pcs)

Jack Wright-Presentation


Exercise 8.33 presents a scatterplot displaying the relationship between husbands’ and wives’ ages in a random sample of 170 married couples in Britain, where both partners’ ages are below 65 years. Given below is summary output of the least squares fit for predicting wife’s age from husband’s age. library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching pac...

1718 sym R (643 sym/7 pcs)

Data 606 final


Final Project- DATA 606 Jack Wright 11/30/2020 Part 1 - Introduction Research Question I want to create a model to try to predict the difference in the final score of NFL games from the “modern era” of football, which I will call after the 1992 season. This is somewhat arbitrary, but it is after the introduction of free agency which was a...

4523 sym R (4775 sym/17 pcs) 5 img