Publications by Jack Wright



Abstract The origin of this project was a request when a research team led by Dr. Colette Daiute at the CUNY Graduate Center requested an upgrade to their Interactive Digital Narrative (IDN) Complexity Metric. The purpose of this project is to create a robust IDN Tree Complexity Metric that well describes the nature of the shape of an IDN Narrat...

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Modeling Doc


Methodology Since the response variable is continuous, we will use a series of regression models as candidates. We will train a random forest and XGboost because they have proven historically to be excellent at modeling continuous variables. Our EDA pointed us towards some potential clustering in the principle components, so we will train a radia...

1569 sym R (11051 sym/95 pcs) 2 img

Tree Model Homework


8.1,8.2,8.3,8.7 8.1 recreate simulated data. library(mlbench) library(tidymodels) cores<-parallel::detectCores() set.seed(200) simulated <- mlbench.friedman1(200, sd = 1) simulated <- cbind(simulated$x, simulated$y) simulated <- colnames(simulated)[ncol(simulated)] <- "y" sim_split<-initial_split(simulated) sim_...

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twitter modeling


Load Data library(tidyverse) twitter_sentiment<-read_csv('./data/twitter_training.csv', col_names = FALSE) #twitter_sentiment<-sample_n(twitter_sentiment, size = 10000) #add column names colnames(twitter_sentiment)<-c('tweet_id', 'entity','sentiment', 'content') Missing Data Lets check our missing data library(naniar) vis_miss(twitter_se...

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regression homework


Regression Homework Jack Wright Exercises 6.1, 6.2 6.1 Spectroscopy is used to analyze chemical makeup of a sample material, Tecator Infratec Food and Feed Analyzer was used on 215 samples of meat across 100 frequencies. THis was used to determine the percent content of water, fat and protien of each sample. Establish a predictive relationship be...

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data and analysis


Overview of the Data Collection Process The data for the Narrative Tree Complexity Metric was collected through a web app built with the python web application flask. It is hosted on the heroku cloud application platform and can be found here. . A group of research participants were selected for their inv...

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