Publications by Ian

Great Infographic


This is a really great exposition on an infographic. Note that the design elements and “chart junk” serve to better connect and communicate the data to the viewer. The choice not to go with pie charts for the first set of plots is a good one. The drawbacks of polar representations of proportions is very well know to statisticians, but designe...

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Quickly Profiling Compiled Code within R on the Mac


This is a quick note on profiling your compiled code on the mac. It is important not to guess when figuring out where the bottlenecks in your code are, and for this reason, the R manual has several suggestions on how to profile compiled code running within R. All of the methods are platform dependent, with linux requiring command line tools...

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Interview by DecisionStats


Ajay Ohri href=””>interviewed me on his popular DecisionStats blog. Topics discussed ranged widely from Fellows Statistics, to href=””>Deducer, to href=””>statnet, to href=”

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The OpenStreetMap Package Opens Up


A new version of the OpenStreetMap package is now up on CRAN, and should propagate to all the mirrors in the next few days. The primary purpose of the package is to provide high resolution map/satellite imagery for use in your R plots. The package supports base graphics and ggplot2, as well as transformations between spatial coordinate systems....

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Insert and Remove Performance of Boost’s flat_set v.s. std::set


The standard way to represent an ordered set of numbers is with a binary tree. This offers a good mix of performance properties as the number of elements gets large. In particular it offers O(log(n)) operations insertion/deletion, O(log(n)) operations to find an element. Finding the ith element of the set takes more time, O(n) operations for rand...

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New Version of the OpenStreetMap R Pacakge


A new version of the OpenStreetMap package has been released to CRAN. OpenStreetMap 0.3.3 contains several minor improvements. I’ve removed the CloudMade tile set types, as they seem to have gone out of business. MapQuest has also been removed as they have moved to a new API. The mapbox type has been updated to use their new API. The most impo...

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New Book in Text Analysis for R


Focus for books on R tend to be highly focused on either statisticians or programmers. There is a dearth of material to assist those in typically less quantitative field access the powerful tools in the R ecosystem. Enter Text Analysis with R for Students of Literature. I haven’t done a deep read of the book, but the goal of opening up R to the...

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Long Running Tasks With Shiny: Challenges and Solutions


One of the great additions to the R ecosystem in recent years is RStudio’s Shiny package. With it, you can easily whip up and share a user interface for a new statistical method in just a few hours. Today I want to share some of the methods and challenges that come up when the actual computation of a result takes a non-trivial amount of time (e...

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Vivid: Toward A Next Generation Statistical User Interface


We are announcing the development of a new statistical user interface for R. I’m really excited about it and I hope that your will be too. Vivid is a rich document format deeply integrated with RStudio that mixes user interface elements, code and output. I firmly believe that the next million R users are going to fall in love with R first throu...

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HIV/AIDS Data Distribution Service


This is a public notice that Fellows Statistics is launching a service to provide HIV/AIDS testing sites with better access to their data and statistical products based on their data. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Fells Stats. offers daily e-mail updates about R new...

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