Publications by HJ Wu

HW 0316-1


ToothGrowth Huei Jiuan Wu March 29, 2019 HW Exercise 0316-1 A built-in demo for the data object ToothGrowth{datasets}. Replicate the analysis in the style of the headache study to investigate if type of vitamin supplement has an effect on teeth growth in guinea pigs. For this exercise, we shall ignore the dose variable. Data dimensions and vari...

914 sym R (1782 sym/19 pcs) 3 img



EDUCATION 學歷 國立臺灣大學, 流行病學與預防醫學 2014-2016 高雄醫學大學, 公共衛生學系學士畢業 2010-2014 WORK EXPERIENCE 工作經歷 Project researcher, mHealth intervention to improve adherence to Pre-exposure prophylaxis among sexual minority Jan. 2019- Project researcher, Monitoring and evaluation of integrate...

4193 sym

0309HW1_chickwts example


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...

954 sym R (757 sym/6 pcs) 1 img

0330 HW 4-5


0330 HW 4-5 HW4 HW5 HJWu 2020/4/12 HW4 Reverse the order of input to the series of dplyr::*_join examples using data from the Nobel laureates in literature and explain the resulting output. load the data and check data structure, display first 6 rows of Vocab n.countries<-read.table("C:/Users/USER/Desktop/R_data management/0330/nobel_countr...

2273 sym R (4120 sym/29 pcs)

04/14/2020 In class exercise 2,5


0413 in class exercise 2, 5 In class exercise 2 In class exercise 5 Huei Jiuan Wu 04/14/2020 ## Warning: package 'rmdformats' was built under R version 3.6.3 In class exercise 2 Doll (1955) showed per capita consumption of cigarettes in 11 countries in 1930, and the death rates from lung cancer for men in 1950. Use R base graphics to genera...

815 sym R (1528 sym/7 pcs) 2 img



0413 HW exercise 1, 2 HW 1 HW 2 Huei Jiuan Wu 04/15/2020 ## Warning: package 'rmdformats' was built under R version 3.6.3 HW 1 This R script illustrates how to split the plot region to include histograms on the margins of a scatter diagram using the Galton{HistData} data set. Compile it as a html document with comments on each code chunk. ...

2660 sym R (2047 sym/15 pcs) 2 img

ggplot exercise 1,3,5


grammer of graphics exercise 1, 3, 5 exercise 1 exercise 3 exercise 5 HJ Wu 2020/4/21 exercise 1 Find out what each code chunk (indicated by ‘##’) in the R script does and provide comments. base graphics plot(women, type='n') #scatter plots of women dataset, "n": no plotting points(women[1,]) # plot the first row of women as a point ...

979 sym R (4855 sym/19 pcs) 9 img

Function exercise 1-5


Functions exercise 1-5 Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Method 1. using aggregate. Method 2. using split and the apply family function . Method 3. using subset, rbind, rbind function. Method 4. using forward pipe and dplyr package Method 5. using forward pipe and nest, map function Exercise 4. Exercise 5 HJ Wu 2020/5/07 Exercise 1 Split the...

3085 sym R (15722 sym/106 pcs)

Date &Time


Date& Time in class exercise and HW In Class Exercise Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5 HJ Wu 2020/5/23 In Class Exercise Exercise 1 Find out the number of days you have spent at NCKU as a registered student or staff person. abs(as.numeric(difftime(as.Date("2017/01/0...

2486 sym R (11388 sym/37 pcs) 13 img

Appendix of final project


Appendix document of estimation of under-reported COVID-19 cases number appendix Download time-series data from Github and update automatically downloadGithubData <- function() { download.file( url= "", destfile= "./") data_path <- "COVID-19-master/csse_covid_...

240 sym R (9080 sym/2 pcs)