Publications by HJ Wu

04/14/2020 In class exercise 3-4


0413In class exercise 3-4 In class exercise 3: In class exercise 4: Huei Jiuan Wu 04/14/2020 In class exercise 3: Use R base graphics to create the national flag of Denmark : par(pty='m') plot.window(xlim=c(0, 37), ylim=c(0, 28)) rect(xleft = c(0,12, 0), ybottom = c(0,0, 12), xright = c(37,16,37), ytop = c(28,28,...

456 sym R (582 sym/2 pcs) 2 img

0330 HW 1-3


0330 HW 1-3 HW1 HW 2 HW3 HJWu 2020/4/12 HW1 Select at random one school per county in the data set Caschool{Ecdat} and draw a scatter diagram of average math score mathscr against average reading score readscr for the sampled data set. Make sure your results are reproducible (e.g., the same random sample will be drawn each time). load the da...

1945 sym R (9407 sym/39 pcs) 2 img

0330 Exercise 4-6


0330 In-class-exercise 4-6 Exercise4 Exercise 5 Exercise 6 HJWu 2020/4/11 Exercise4 The data set Vocab{car} gives observations on gender, education and vocabulary, from respondents to U.S. General Social Surveys, 1972-2004. Summarize the relationship between education and vocabulary over the years by gender. load the data and check data stru...

1143 sym R (10622 sym/41 pcs) 1 img

20200330 exercise 1-3


0330 In-class-exercise 1-3 Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 HJWu 2020/4/11 Exercise 1 Summarize the backpain{HSAUR3} into the following format: loading data data(backpain, package="HSAUR3") dta<-backpain check data structure str(dta) ## 'data.frame': 434 obs. of 4 variables: ## $ ID : Factor w/ 217 levels "1","2","3","4",..: 1 1 ...

4602 sym R (16256 sym/70 pcs) 1 img

0323 HW4-5


0323 HW4-5 HW Exercise 0323-4 HW Exercise 0323-5 Huei Jiuan Wu April 09, 2019 HW Exercise 0323-4 The following zip file contains one subject’s laser-event potentials (LEP) data for 4 separate conditions (different level of stimulus intensity), each in a plain text file (1w.dat, 2w.dat, 3w.dat and 4w.dat). The rows are time points from -100...

1139 sym R (2837 sym/16 pcs) 2 img

HW 0323 1-4


0323 HW1-HW4 Huei Jiuan Wu March 29, 2019 HW Exercise 0323-1 Here is a copy of the student roster in csv format from NCKU for a course I taught. Dispaly the number of students from each major. Loading and display the number of students from each major dta <-read.csv("C:/Users/USER/Desktop/R_data management/0323/ncku_roster.csv",sep=",", header ...

1949 sym R (4450 sym/20 pcs) 2 img

0316 HW5


Reading speed Huei Jiuan Wu March 29, 2019 HW Exercise 0316-5 Ten subjects read a paragraph consisting of seven sentences. The reading time (in seconds) for each sentence was the outcome measure. The predictors are the serial position of the sentence (Sp), the number of words in the sentences (Wrds), and the number of new arguments in the senten...

664 sym R (1321 sym/9 pcs) 1 img

0316 HW4


Summarize the number of births by season Huei Jiuan Wu March 29, 2019 HW Exercise 0316-4 The usBirths2015.txt is a dataset of monthly births in the US in 2015. Summarize the number of births by season. Loading and checking the dataset dta <- read.table("C:/Users/USER/Desktop/R_data management/0316/usBirths2015.txt", header = T) head(dta) ## ...

324 sym R (907 sym/6 pcs)

0316 HW3


Relationship between IQ scores, behavioral problem scores of children and mothers’ post-natal depression Huei Jiuan Wu March 29, 2019 HW Exercise 0316-3 The IQ and behavior problem page has a dataset and a script of R code chunks. Generate a markdown file from the script to push the output in HTML for posting to course Moodle site. Explain wha...

1717 sym R (3093 sym/33 pcs) 4 img

0316 HW2


Dice Huei Jiuan Wu March 29, 2019 HW Exercise 0316-2 Find all possible sums from rolling three dice using R. If possible, construct a histogram for the sum of three dice. Is this a probability histogram or an empirical histogram? all possible sums from rolling three dice set.seed(1234) dice_sum<-sort(sample(3:18, replace=FALSE)) dice_sum ## ...

349 sym R (282 sym/3 pcs) 1 img