Publications by DataCamp Blog
New Course: Free Introduction to R Programming Course
At DataCamp we are obsessed with how we can make our R courses and learning technology better. As a result, we’re continuously innovating and nothing stays the same for very long.Today, we’re proud to announce we’ve made some huge updates to our free Introduction to R tutorial. It’s our most popular course, taken by over 90,000 R enthusia...
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New Course: Introduction to Machine Learning With R Online Tutorial
In DataCamp’s brand new course, Introduction to Machine Learning with R, you’ll learn all about the most widely used machine learning techniques such as classification, regression and clustering. Whether you want to build your personal recommendation engine, become better at picking stocks, or develop your own self-driving car, machine lear...
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New Course: Reporting with R Markdown To Create PDF, HTML & Other Reports
In collaboration with Garrett Grolemund, RStudio’s teaching specialist, DataCamp has developed a new interactive course to facilitate reproducible reporting of your R analyses. R Markdown enables you to generate reports straight from your R code, documenting your works as an HTML, pdf or Microsoft document. This course is part of DataCamp’s ...
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Microsoft Launches Its First Free Online R Course on edX
Today, Microsoft and DataCamp launched an exciting new course on covering the basics of the statistical programming language R. This four week course is free for everyone, and no prior knowledge in programming or data science is required.Make sure to watch the course promotion video:What sets this Introduction to R course apart from the t...
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Who needs R tutorials? Sharing DataCamp’s user stats and insights.
When one builds an online education start-up around R tutorials, the number one criterion to meet is the following: identify an increasing interest in learning R online. Once this box is checked, it is time to start thinking of the second most important criterion: establish a teaching approach that makes people so excited that they keep comin...
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New Open Course: Exploratory Data Analysis with swirl
New Free swirl Course on DataCamp The DataCamp team is excited to announce another course using the swirl package. This free course adapts the Exploratory Data Analysis curriculum from swirl to the interactive DataCamp in-browser interface. No set-up needed! Start Course! This course offers an introduction to exploratory data analysis which in...
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DataCamp Student & Academic Plan ($9/month)
To promote the usage of R within data analysis, DataCamp just launched a special plan for students and academics. Every student, and every individual active in academics, can now access the DataCamp R Training path for just $9/month (normally $25/month). So for just $9 you can start learning all about data manipulation, r programming, data visual...
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Learn How to Clean Your Data Using R
Data scientists often remark that 80% of their time is spent on cleaning data and only 20% on the actual analysis. Data cleaning is a critical part of the data science process, yet is often overlooked in traditional statistics and data science courses. For these reasons, we’re excited to announce our newest DataCamp course: Cleaning Data in R! ...
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DataCamp R Certifications – Now Available on Your LinkedIn Profile
You can now quickly and easily integrate your course completion certificates with your LinkedIn profile. Showcase any completed DataCamp course on your profile, including our free Introduction to R tutorial.Share with managers, recruiters and potential clients the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired at DataCamp. In just a few clic...
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New Course: Learn data.table in R With Our Online Tutorial
Together with the key people behind the data.table package, Matt Dowle and Arun Srinivasan, DataCamp developed a brand new interactive course to bring your data analysis skillset up to date with the essentials of the powerful data.table package. Learn more on the data.table tutorial… The popularity of the data.table package is increasing a...
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