Publications by DataCamp Blog

New Course: Unsupervised Learning in R


Hi there – today we’re launching a new machine learning course on Unsupervised Learning in R by Hank Roark! Many times in machine learning, the goal is to find patterns in data without trying to make predictions. This is called unsupervised learning. One common use case of unsupervised learning is grouping consumers based on dem...

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DataChats: An Interview with Hank Roark


Hola! We just released episode 14 of our DataChats video series, you’ll like this one. In this episode, we interview Hank Roark. Hank is a Senior Data Scientist at Boeing and a long time user of the R language. Prior to his current role, he led the Customer Data Science team at, a leading provider of machine learning and predictive anal...

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R Correlation Tutorial


In this tutorial, you explore a number of data visualization methods and their underlying statistics. Particularly with regard to identifying trends and relationships between variables in a data frame. That’s right, you’ll focus on concepts such as correlation and regression! First, you’ll get introduced to correlation in R. Then, you’l...

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March Monthly Round Up in


March has been a busy month here at DataCamp! We’ve released 7 courses, 4 DataChats, and 8 articles. Luckily, this round-up post will cover the highlights, in case you missed them. Data Manipulation: Tidy Your Data! We were very excited to release the third course in our Pandas course series! Merging DataFrames with pandas follows on the Pan...

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The Periodic Table of Data Science


This periodic table can serve as a guide to navigate the key players in the data science space. The resources in the table were chosen by looking at surveys taken from data science users, such as the 2016 Data Science Salary Survey by O’Reilly, the 2017 Magic Quadrant for Data Science Platforms by Gartner, and the KD Nuggets 2016 Software Po...

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New R course: Beginning Bayes in R


Hello, R users! Today we’re launching Beginning Bayes in R by Jim Albert. There are two schools of thought in the world of statistics, the frequentist perspective and the Bayesian perspective. At the core of the Bayesian perspective is the idea of representing your beliefs about something using the language of probability, collecting some data,...

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What We Learned From Teaching 1M People Data Science


Learning Data Science By Doing DataCamp’s goal is to build the best learning platform for data science. Our philosophy is that you learn data science by doing: our high-quality videos, in-browser coding, and gamification provide learners with an engaging learning experience in their browser. At the same time, we want to take a data-driven appro...

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xts Cheat Sheet: Time Series in R


Even though the data.frame object is one of the core objects to hold data in R, you’ll find that it’s not really efficient when you’re working with time series data. You’ll find yourself wanting a more flexible time series class in R that offers a variety of methods to manipulate your data. xts  or the Extensible Time Series is one of s...

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Only Hours Left to Get 50% off DataCamp


This week, DataCamp is celebrating 1 million learners on its platform and is offering 50% off for unlimited access to the full curriculum. Join the learners who have completed over 40 million exercises on DataCamp and learn R or Python for data science interactively at your own pace with over 75 courses and 17 tracks. DataCamp instructors are all...

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New course: Data Visualization in R with lattice


Hello, R users! Today we’re launching Data Visualization in R with lattice by Deepayan Sarkar, the creator of the lattice package. Visualization is an essential component of interactive data analysis in R. Traditional (base) graphics is powerful, but limited in its ability to deal with multivariate data. Trellis graphics is the natural succes...

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