Publications by Daniel
Beautiful tables for linear model summaries #rstats
Beautiful HTML tables of linear models In this blog post I’d like to show some (old and) new features of the sjt.lm function from my sjPlot-package. These functions are currently only implemented in the development snapshot on GitHub. A package update is planned to be submitted soon to CRAN. There are two new major features I added to this func...
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CRAN download statistics of any packages #rstats
Hadley Wickham announced at Twitter that RStudio now provides CRAN package download logs. I was wondering about the download numbers of my package and wrote some code to extract that information from the logs… The first code snippet is taken from the log website itself: # Here's an easy way to get all the URLs in R start <- as.Date('2013-11-28'...
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Reading from and writing to SPSS, SAS and STATA with R #rstats #sjPlot
On CRAN now My sjPlot-package was updated on CRAN (binaries will be available soon, I guess). This update contains, besides many small improvements and fixes, two major features: First, new features to print table summaries of linear models and generalized linear models (for sjt.glm, the same new features were added as to sjt.lm – however, the...
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sjmisc – package for working with (labelled) data #rstats
The sjmisc-package My last posting was about reading and writing data between R and other statistical packages like SPSS, Stata or SAS. After that, I decided to bundle all functions that are not directly related to plotting or printing tables, into a new package called sjmisc. Basically, this package covers three domains of functionality: readin...
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Beautiful table-outputs: Summarizing mixed effects models #rstats
The current version 1.8.1 of my sjPlot package has two new functions to easily summarize mixed effects models as HTML-table: sjt.lmer and sjt.glmer. Both are very similar, so I focus on showing how to use sjt.lmer here. # load required packages library(sjPlot) # table functions library(sjmisc) # sample data library(lme4) # fitting models Linear m...
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Retrieving Data from Google Books with `ngramr`
Karl Marx is the most famous founding fathers of modern sociology with a popularity peak in 1975-6, but declining ever since. Introduction Google has a tool for tracking the frequency of words or phrases across its vast collection of scanned texts, the Google Books. The Google Ngram Viewer reports data and graphs the frequency of words encounter...
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Venezuela’s 2015 Parliamentary Elections
Next Sunday Venezuelans are heading to the polls once again with international concerns about the clearness of the balloting. To get an idea about the political climate over there, I've collected some polls available on the internet. The surprising thing from those surveys is a tremendous variability from pollster to pollster about the single to...
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Venezuelan Parliamentary Election: What do the Polls Say?
There is not a huge population of opinion polls covering this parliamentary election in Venezuela, but all I've can be used to gauge the public opinion by the local polling houses. This posting begs an obvious question: how has the mood in Venezuela varied over time with respect to voting intentions for the two political blocs? Next, can we detec...
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Data, data, data
Having presented preliminary findings from a national sample of therapeutic communities in Brazil, I thought the Babbage's words fits like a glove for those criticizing quantitative approaches for policy evaluations: the “Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using no data at all” (Charles Babbage). Related To leave a comme...
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Gender Effect in Conference Talks
I was searching in the arXiv repository for an interesting paper to read over the weekend, when I found this: “Studying Gender in Conference Talks — data from the 223rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society”. The title and figures caught my attention more than the subject of the conference, I've to confess. The plot below, taken from...
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