Publications by Daniel

Beautiful table outputs in R, part 2 #rstats #sjPlot


First of all, I’d like to thank my readers for the lots of feedback on my last post on beautiful outputs in R. I tried to consider all suggestions, updated the existing table-output-functions and added some new ones, which will be described in this post. The updated package is already available on CRAN. This posting is divided in two major part...

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Developer snapshots of #sjPlot-package now on #Github #rstats


Finally, I managed to setup a GitHub repository. From now on, the latest developer snapshot of my sjPlot-package will be published right here: Please post issues there, download the latest developer build for testing purposes or help developing the wiki-page with examples for package usage etc. Btw, if somebody kn...

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sjPlot 1.3 available #rstats #sjPlot


I just submitted my package update (version 1.3) to CRAN. The download is already available (currently source, binaries follow). While the last two updates included new functions for table outputs (see here and here for details on these functions), the current update only provides small helper functions as new functions. The focus of this update ...

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sjPlot: New options for creating beautiful tables, documentation on #RPubs #rstats


A new update of my sjPlot package was just released on CRAN. This release focused on improving existing functions and bug fixes again. Especially the table output functions (see my previous blog posts on table output functions here and here) improved a lot. Tables now have more and better possibilities for style customization and knitr integratio...

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Visualize pre-post comparison of intervention #rstats


My sjPlot-package was just updated on CRAN, introducing a new function called to plot estimated marginal means (least-squares means) of linear models with interaction terms. Or: plotting adjusted means of an ANCOVA. The idea to this function came up when we wanted to analyze the effect of an intervention (an educational programme on k...

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sjPlot 1.6 – major revisions, anyone for beta testing? #rstats


In the last couple of weeks I have rewritten some core parts of my sjPlot-package and also revised the package- and online documentation. Most notably are the changes that affect theming and appearance of plots and figures. There’s a new function called sjp.setTheme which now sets theme-options for all sjp-functions, which means you only nee...

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Visualizing (generalized) linear mixed effects models with ggplot #rstats #lme4


In the past week, colleagues of mine and me started using the lme4-package to compute multi level models. This inspired me doing two new functions for visualizing random effects (as retrieved by ranef()) and fixed effects (as retrieved by fixed()) of (generalized) linear mixed effect models. The upcoming version of my sjPlot package will contain ...

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Visualizing (generalized) linear mixed effects models, part 2 #rstats #lme4


In the first part on visualizing (generalized) linear mixed effects models, I showed examples of the new functions in the sjPlot package to visualize fixed and random effects (estimates and odds ratios) of (g)lmer results. Meanwhile, I added further features to the functions, which I like to introduce here. This posting is based on the online man...

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Study of a Plot: The Manhattan Plot


I was thinking on a nice way of plotting campaign expenditures in a paper I’m working on. I thought this would be something like the following, simple, but meaningful even in the context of lots of outliers in both tails. Although I like the seniors Tukey’s boxplot and scatter plots, I had already used them, so I want to oxygenate my figures...

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sjPlot package and related online manuals updated #rstats # ggplot


My sjPlot package for data visualization has just been updated on CRAN. I’ve added some features to existing function, which I want to introduce here. Plotting linear models So far, plotting model assumptions of linear models or plotting slopes for each estimate of linear models were spread over several functions. Now, these plot types have bee...

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