Publications by Abdul Majed Raja

Building a Hacker News scraper with 8 lines of R code using rvest library


There was a time when Web scraping was quite a difficult task requiring knowledge of XML Tree parsing and HTTP Requests. But with the likes of libraries like beautifulsoup (for Python) and rvest (for R), Web scraping has become a toy for any beginner to play with. This post aims to explain how insanely simple it is to build a scraper in R using ...

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Getting started with dplyr in R using Titanic Dataset


dplyr is one of the most popular r-packages and also part of tidyverse that’s been developed by Hadley Wickham. The mere fact that dplyr package is very famous means, it’s one of the most frequently used. Being a data scientist is not always about creating sophisticated models but Data Analysis (Manipulation) and Data Visualization play a ver...

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Building a Daily Bitcoin Price Tracker with Coindeskr and Shiny in R


Let’s admit it. The whole world has been going crazy with Bitcoin. Bitcoin (BTC), the first cryptocurrency (in fact, the first digital currency to solve the double-spend problem) introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto has become bigger than well-established firms (even a few countries). So, a lot of Bitcoin Enthusiasts and Investors are looking to keep...

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Automated Text Feature Engineering using textfeatures in R


It could be the era of Deep Learning where it really doesn’t matter how big is your dataset or how many columns you’ve got. Still, a lot of Kaggle Competition Winners and Data Scientists emphasis on one thing that could put you on the top of the leaderboard in a Competition is “Feature Engineering”. Irrespective of how sophisticated your ...

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Send Desktop Notifications from R in Windows, Linux and Mac


CategoriesProgrammingTagsBest R PackagesR ProgrammingTips & TricksIn the age of smartphones, Notifications have become an integral part of life that Smart watches have started popping up to handle our notifications. Desktop Notification is a very good way of letting the user know about a task completion or some information. Say, your model has be...

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How to combine Multiple ggplot Plots to make Publication-ready Plots


CategoriesVisualizing DataTagsBest R PackagesData VisualisationR ProgrammingThe life cycle of Data science can never be completed without communicating the results of the analysis/research. In fact, Data Visualization is one of the areas where R as a language for Data science has got an edge over the most-celebrated Python. With ggplot2 being the...

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Data-driven Introspection of my Android Mobile usage in R


CategoriesProgrammingTagsData VisualisationExploratory AnalysisR ProgrammingThis is an attempt to see how the data that are collected from us, can also be used for the betterment of us – one’s self. When companies are so interested in collecting our personal data to show a push in Quarterly revenues, Why not use our own Data Science skills an...

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How to build Animated Bar Plots using R


CategoriesVisualizing DataTagsAnimationData VisualisationR ProgrammingRecently, Animated Bar Plots have started going Viral on Social Media leaving a lot of Data Enthusiasts wondering how are these Animated Bar Plots made. The objective of this post is to explain how to build such an Animated Bar Plot using R – R with the power of versatile pac...

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Programmatically generate REGEX Patterns in R without knowing Regex


Are you interested in guest posting? Publish at DataScience+ via your editor (i.e., RStudio).CategoryProgrammingTagsBest R PackagesR ProgrammingText MiningRegular Expression (Regex — often pronounced as ri-je-x or reg-x) is extremely useful while you are about to do Text Analytics or Natural Language Processing. But as much as Regex is use...

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How to make 3D Plots in R (from 2D Plots of ggplot2)


Are you interested in guest posting? Publish at DataScience+ via your editor (i.e., RStudio).CategoryVisualizing DataTagsBest R PackagesData VisualisationR Programming3D Plots built in the right way for the right purpose are always stunning. In this article, we’ll see how to make stunning 3D plots with R using ggplot2 and rayshader . While ggp...

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