Publications by Abdul Majed Raja
Analysing Cryptocurrency Market in R
Cryptocurrency market has been growing rapidly that being an Analyst, It intrigued me what does it comprise of. In this post, I’ll explain how can we analyse the Cryptocurrency Market in R with the help of the package coinmarketcapr. Coinmarketcapr package is an R wrapper around coinmarketcap API. To get started, Let us load the library into ou...
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Scraping Javascript-rendered web content using R
Web Scraping, which is an essential part of Getting Data, used to be a very straightforward process just by locating the html content with xpath or css selector and extracting the data until Web developers started inserting Javascript-rendered content in the web page. Hence a css selector or an xpath pointing to a browser-generated / javascript-r...
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Creating Reporting Template with Glue in R
Report Generation is a very important part in any Organization’s Business Intelligence and Analytics Division. The ability to create automated reports out of the given data is one of the most desirable things, that any innovative team would thrive for. And that is one area where SAS is considered to be more matured than R – not because R does...
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Handling ‘Happy’ vs ‘Not Happy’: Better sentiment analysis with sentimentr in R
Sentiment Analysis is one of the most obvious things Data Analysts with unlabelled Text data (with no score or no rating) end up doing in an attempt to extract some insights out of it and the same Sentiment analysis is also one of the potential research areas for any NLP (Natural Language Processing) enthusiasts. For an analyst, the same sentime...
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Image Processing and Manipulation with magick in R
‘ImageMagick’ is one of the famous open source libraries available for editing and manipulating Images of different types (Raster & Vector Images). magick is an R-package binding to ‘ImageMagick’ for Advanced Image-Processing in R, authored by Jeroen Ooms. magick supports many common image formats like png, jpeg, tiff and manipulations li...
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Gender Diversity Analysis of Data Science Industry using Kaggle Survey Dataset in R
Kaggle recently released the dataset of an industry-wide survey that it conducted with 16K respondents. This article aims to understand how the argument of Gender Diversity plays out in Data Science Practice. Disclaimer: Yes, I understand this dataset is not the output of a Randomized Experiment hence cannot be a representative of the entire Da...
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Analysing iOS App Store iTunes Reviews in R
Unlike Google PlayStore Developer Console for Android App, iOS App Store’s iTunes Connect does not help developers with the bulk download of App Store iTunes Reviews. So if you are an iOS App Developer or a Mobile App Product Manager, You are left with no option but to get paid subscription like App Annie to access and analyze iOS App Store iTu...
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Building a Telecom Dictionary scraping web using rvest in R
One of the biggest problems in Business to carry out any analysis is the availability of Data. That is where in many cases, Web Scraping comes very handy in creating that data that’s required. Consider the following case: To perform text analysis on Textual Data collected in a Telecom Company as part of Customer Feedback or Reviews, primarily r...
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Building a simple Sales Revenue Dashboard with R Shiny & ShinyDashboard
One of the beautiful gifts that R has got (that Python misses) is the package – Shiny. Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R. Making Dashboard is an imminent wherever Data is available since Dashboards are good in helping Business make insights out of the existing data. In this post, We will see...
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5 interesting subtle insights from TED videos data analysis in R
This post aims to bring out some not-so-obvious subtle insights from analyzing TED Videos posted on For those who do not know what is TED, Here’s the summary from Wikipedia: TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a media organization which posts talks online for free distribution, under the slogan “ideas worth spreading”. This ...
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