Exploring Cardiovascular Health Patterns: Gender and Symptom Relationships Latest
Exploring Cardiovascular Health Patterns: Gender and Symptom Relationships Code Author Daniel Okwesa INTRODUCTION In this analysis, we aim to explore and understand the associations between key health indicators. We’re investigating whether...
8270 sym Python (10308 sym/1 pcs) 3 img
Cassiopeia Maa 7
Homework_5_Cassiopeia_Maa Latest
Setup library(fst) setwd("~/SOC202/R Scripts (hw + tutorial)") ess <- read_fst("All-ESS-Data.fst") packages <- c("tidyverse", "modelsummary", "forcats", "RColorBrewer", "fst", "viridis", "knitr", "kableExtra", "rmarkdown",...
6232 sym R (12072 sym/33 pcs) 3 img 1 tbl
Regresión Lineal Latest
REGRESIÓN LINEAL Daniel Fernando Buitron - 1925967 Julian Bedoya Jaramillo - 1926444 Leony Ordoñez Martinez - 1925713 Introducción El presente trabajo pretende mostrar el desarrollo de un modelo de regresión lineal que busca describir una...
14303 sym 1 img
Gabriel Alfonso Mejia Vargas 7
Instructions: 1. Rename this file by replacing “LASTNAME” with your last name. This can be done via the RStudio menu (File >> Rename). 2. Write your full name in the chunk above beside author:. 3. Before beginning, it is good practice to create...
2820 sym 1 img
Amruta Habbu; Bach Hoang Pham; Dang Khoa Tran; Khyati Sharma; Ragini Jakkan 7
Advance AI Project Proposal Latest
Intelligent Travel Recommendation System Amruta Habbu; Bach Hoang Pham; Dang Khoa Tran; Khyati Sharma; Ragini Jakkan 2023-10-24 PROJECT OVERVIEW Objective: Develop an image classification ML model for diverse categories such as sunsets,...
1778 sym 3 img
周瑜 7
Lesson2 Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document...
1196 sym R (2081 sym/13 pcs) 4 img
Omiya_kita_elementaryschool Latest
#Import data #assign file name read.csv("R.csv") ## ID username feedback ITS pre_test_type post_test_type class ## 1 1 gocola effort 12 B A 1 ## 2 4 goniku effort 12 B...
506 sym R (58831 sym/116 pcs) 9 img
cyruskirkman 7
P032a-EXP_Analyses Latest
This is a document containing most of the summarative/inferential statistics and graphics for experiment 4 of P032a–the insight experiment. It has been written in a R markdown document and knitted into a html document. It also can be converted...
678 sym 25 tbl
Introducción a R Latest
Introducción a R y RStudio Prof. Alonso Quezada. Correo: Módulo 1: Interfaz de trabajo En este modulo nos enfocamos en la puesta en marcha del programa, sus principales ventanas y formas de funcionamiento. Objetivos de...
7271 sym 4 img