
Much. Fazrin SF 7

Perbandingan Performa Model : Regresi Klasik vs Ridge vs Lasso Latest


Perbandingan Performa Model : Regresi Klasik vs Ridge vs Lasso Perbandingan Performa Model : Regresi Klasik vs Ridge vs Lasso Data Input data Data preprocessing Pembentukan matriks untuk pemodelan Model Regresi Klasik Model...

4618 sym Python (13859 sym/68 pcs)

Situacion 1 Latest


Situación 1 Fábrica de Chocolates Una fábrica de chocolates tiene indicios que el peso de las barras que produce presenta una variabilidad más alta que la deseada, el peso nominal es de 30 gramos con una holgura de 1,5 gramos en ambos...

2433 sym

Dimas Atha Putra 7

Zero-finding: Tracing back your steps with the mosaicCalc library Latest


Zero-finding is like when you get ahold of a treasure map. And you need to find where the “X” spot in the map is. You use the trees and rocks as your reference points until… you find it. The treasure is yours. It’s like tracing back your...

1487 sym 1 img

박하연 7

20220128 ch5 과제 Latest


1-1 install.packages("ggplot2",repos="") ## 'C:/Users/1/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.3'의 위치에 패키지(들)을 설치합니다. ## (왜냐하면 'lib'가 지정되지 않았기 때문입니다) ## 패키지...

152 sym R (14138 sym/51 pcs) 3 img

Abuzar Zulfiqar 7

Assignment 1 , Roll no.5121220 Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

1457 sym R (5873 sym/62 pcs) 1 img

임소율 7

R studio Latest


1번 문제 install packages library(dplyr) ## ## 다음의 패키지를 부착합니다: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ##...

285 sym R (3887 sym/29 pcs) 3 img

Muhammad Bilal Rao 7

Document Latest


Loading Data library("dslabs") data("murders") df <- murders Question 1:Use the function c to create a vector with the average high temperatures in January for Beijing, Lagos,Paris, Rio de Janeiro, San Juan and Toronto, which are 35, 88, 42,...

1333 sym R (2636 sym/27 pcs)

박채리 7

W6 Latest


install.packages(“dplyr”, repos = “”) library(dplyr) install.packages(“readxl”,repos = “”) library(readxl) install.packages(repos =...

1905 sym R (4338 sym/41 pcs)


Document Latest


library(mosaicCalc) ## Loading required package: mosaic ## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'mosaic': ## method from ## fortify.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame ggplot2 ## ## The 'mosaic' package masks several...

1739 sym R (2072 sym/26 pcs) 1 img

Homework 5 Adrien Lin (202) Latest


packages <- c("tidyverse", "modelsummary", "forcats", "RColorBrewer", "fst", "viridis", "knitr", "kableExtra", "rmarkdown", "ggridges", "viridis", "questionr") new_packages <- packages[!(packages %in%...

2235 sym Python (14081 sym/45 pcs) 3 img 2 tbl