Gael Geovanni Carmona Frías 34
Prueba para publicar Latest
Prueba para publicar Título de segundo nivel Título de tercer nivel Ahora vamos a publicar este documento. Se tiene que instalar una libreria de rpubs para publicar y luego registrarse en el servicio Generar una población...
255 sym
Emilio Salas Luján 34
Prueba para publicar Latest
Prueba para publicar Título de segundo nivel Título de tercer nivel Ahora vamos a publicar este documento Se tienen que instalar una librería rpubs para publicar y luego registrarse en el servicio sample(x=1:10,size = 5,...
218 sym
Chelsey Hill 34
Working with Text Data Latest
Some of the packages that we will use in R to work with text data include tm (preprocessing and transformation), textstem (lemmatization), wordcloud (visualization) and lexicon (sentiment lexicons). If you do not already have these packages...
12180 sym R (15059 sym/78 pcs) 10 img
An Accounting and Data Science Nerd's Corner 34
Using the ExPanDaR package for panel data exploration Latest
Did you ever want to do a quick exploratory pass on a panel data set? Did you ever wish to give somebody (e.g., a reviewer or a fellow researcher), the opportunity to explore your data and your findings but can’t provide your raw data? Do you...
6853 sym R (2612 sym/16 pcs) 14 img 8 tbl
veronica 34
U1A1 Latest
# Script del primer ejercicio de la materia de PyE #Adolfo Amado Sánchez #ID: 000000214997 #4 de Septiembre del 2020 # Ejercicio básico de graficación de variables #Establecer folder de trabajo setwd("~/PyE 11 AM") #Activar el paquete...
6 sym R (1431 sym/6 pcs) 1 img
Code for Charlottesville 34
DOLI reasons Latest
We load the cleaned data on DOLI complaints, as well as the relevant packages: library(tidyverse) library(knitr) library(janitor) wagetheft <- read_csv("DOLIcomplaints.csv") Claims were found to either be valid, invalid, or undetermined....
829 sym R (1455 sym/6 pcs) 2 img 3 tbl
N Foldnes 34
Ordlesing pilot2 Latest
Booklets and items We have a total of 8 booklets The number of items in each booklet is: 74, 74, 73, 73, 72, 73, 72, 73. The number of students completing each boklet is: 259, 253, 224, 336, 250, 248, 239, 245. A total number of 2054 students...
1163 sym R (74 sym/1 pcs) 7 img 2 tbl
Jimmy Ng 34
Data 621 - Moneyball (hw1) Latest
library(tidyverse) ## Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R version 3.6.2 ## -- Attaching packages ----------------------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.0 -- ## v ggplot2 3.2.1 v purrr 0.3.3 ## v tibble 2.1.3...
359 sym R (44870 sym/98 pcs) 4 img
Muhammad Ridho 34
Visualisasi dan Prediksi Data Inflow dan Outflow Uang Kartal pada Beberapa Wilayah di Sumatera Latest
Nama : Muhammad Ridho NIM : 210605110102 Kelas : Liniear Algebra (C) Dosen Pengempu : Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.Kom Universitas : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Jurusan : Teknik Informatika Data Beberapa Wilayah di Sumatera...
661 sym R (7434 sym/71 pcs) 22 img
Michal 34
ERGMs in R Latest
Developers of statnet, a collection of packages for R for fitting Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM), issued a major update. First change is that the main package is now called ergm. Secondly, a set of additional packages has been made...
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