Publications by An Accounting and Data Science Nerd's Corner

Preregistration and Researcher Degrees of Freedom: Experiences from a Field Experiment


Designing research studies involves making choices. While some of these choices can be justified by theory, other choices will be more or less arbitrary and so the researcher has the freedom to choose, giving rise to the so-called researcher degrees of freedom phenomenon. While this is not a problem per se it becomes an issue as soon as the researc...

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Using the ExPanDaR package for panel data exploration


Did you ever want to do a quick exploratory pass on a panel data set? Did you ever wish to give somebody (e.g., a reviewer or a fellow researcher), the opportunity to explore your data and your findings but can’t provide your raw data? Do you get bored from producing the same tables and figures over and over again for your panel data project? I...

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3D printing your data with rayshader


The awesome blog post by Tyler Morgan-Wall on 3d printing maps with his rayshader package rekindled an old desire of mine: Sometimes I would like to touch data. I am a big fan of data visualization and being able to add a third dimension and this haptic feel to the mix was just too much for me to let this idea pass. While Tyler is keeping teasing...

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Interactive panel EDA with 3 lines of code


Exploratory data analysis is important, everybody knows that. With R, it is also easy. Below you see three lines of code that allow you to interactively explore the Preston Curve, the prominent association of country level real income per capita with life expectancy. install.packages("ExPanDaR") library(ExPanDaR) wb <- read.csv("https://joachim-g...

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Should Old Acquaintance be Forgot: Tidying up Mac Mail


As the year is closing down, why not spend some of the free time to explore your email data using R and the tidyverse? When I learned that Mac OS Mail stores its internal data in a SQLite database file I was hooked. A quick dive in your email archive might uncover some of your old acquaintances. Let’s take a peak. Obviously, the below is only a...

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Where the German Companies Are


Last week, the German NGO Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. has made German Trade Resister data available via the project, together with the British NGO opencorporates. While the data from German Trade Resister is publicly available in principle, retrieving the data is a case-by-case activity and is very cumbersome (try...

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German Female Corporate Officers: Where Are You?


Last week, the German NGO Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. has made German Trade Resister data available via the project, together with the British NGO opencorporates. In my last blog post I checked the general accessibility of the data. In this quick follow-up post I follow an idea inspired by a tweet by Johannes Filt...

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German Female Corporate Officers: Where Are You?


Last week, the German NGO Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. has made German Trade Resister data available via the project, together with the British NGO opencorporates. In my last blog post I checked the general accessibility of the data. In this quick follow-up post I follow an idea inspired by a tweet by Johannes Filt...

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Explore your Researcher Degrees of Freedom


I am an applied economist working in the area of accounting and corporate transparency. I work with observational data a lot, meaning with data that is already available and not under my control. Whenever I set sails to design a test, there are a lot of decisions to take: Which sample should I use? What is the appropriate time frame? How do I def...

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A Shiny Classroom Experiment with Real-Time Results Presentation


Overview Today, I used a shiny app to run a classroom experiment in the first class of my introductory cost accounting course. I uploaded code, data and materials to github so that everybody can reuse it to construct similar experiments and, of course, to replicate the results from our experiment. The experiment tests whether cost allocation (var...

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