Table of contents Introduction Summary of prior replication attempt Methods Power Analysis Planned Sample Materials Procedure Controls Analysis Plan Differences from Original Study and 1st replication Methods Addendum (Post Data Collection)...
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Chuqi Hu ( 14
Introduction Experiment 1 of Tarampi’s (2016) paper explored how stereotype threat contributes to gender differences in perspective-taking task performances. The researchers found that women tended to perform better when the same task was framed...
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Alexander Pereira ( 14
Paxton 2012 Rescue Proposal Latest
Introduction Paxton, Unger and Greene (2011) investigated the role of reflection and reasoning on moral judgements. I’m a PhD student in philosophy and recent MA student in psychology. While I am not primarily interested in moral philosophy or...
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E. Samid Limón-Villegas 14
Prueba a Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
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Muhammad Ghifarin Azzam 14
Zero Finding Latest
Pada artikel ini kita akan membahas tentang Zero-finding atau menemukan input yang menghasilkan output yang kita inginkan, operasi ini adalah salah satu yang dipersyaratkan dalam penilian dalam kalkulus. Fungsi adalah suatu mekanisme dalam rumusan...
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library(mosaicCalc) ## Loading required package: mosaic ## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'mosaic': ## method from ## fortify.SpatialPolygonsDataFrame ggplot2 ## ## The 'mosaic' package masks several...
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Pengantar Zero-finding: mencari masukan yang menghasilkan keluaran yang diinginkan Latest
library(httr) set_config(use_proxy(url="",port=8080)) INTRODUCTION Zero-finding, dalam konteks yang lebih umum, merujuk pada pencarian nilai masukan atau input yang akan menghasilkan keluaran yang diinginkan, yang sering kali...
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Primjeri riješenih zadataka - Operacijska istraživanja Latest
Ovi su poslovni slučajevi dio nastavnih materijala kolegija Operacijska istraživanja. Kroz ove primjere, studenti će se upoznati s praktičnim aspektima primjene metoda i tehnika operacijskih istraživanja, s naglaskom na linearno...
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R-STAT help Latest
Home R-STAT je web aplikacije za statističko-grafičku analizu podataka koja se besplatno može koristiti na web adresi: R-STAT je kreiran korištenjem besplatnog programskog okruženja za statističko-grafičku...
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Jony Medranda 14
Document Latest
Prueba Primer Parcial Caso de estudio: Gestión de Recursos Humanos: Un departamento de recursos humanos utiliza árboles de decisiones para la selección de candidatos. Los criterios incluyen experiencia laboral, habilidades y resultados de...
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