Benjamin Solomon 15
Testing Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
593 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
Lukas Stammler 15
ELStat_01 Daten in Jamovi einlesen Latest
Vorbemerkung Für die Übungen verwenden wir Datensätze, die wir als erstes in die Statistiksoftware jamovi einlesen müssen. Ein Datensatz umfasst die Daten zu einer oder mehreren Variablen und einer oder mehreren Beobachtungseinheiten (diese...
1496 sym
COVID-19 in Spain Latest
Coronavirus in Spain @bioblogo Summary Row confirmed 191,726 death 20,043 (10.5%) Row Daily cumulative cases by type (Spain only) Comparison Column Daily new cases Cases distribution by type Map World map of cases (use + and -...
1457 sym R (12516 sym/2 pcs)
Blog 15
10 reasons to attend EARL in San Francisco Latest
The reasons someone might attend a conferences differ from person to person so we crowdsourced the top 10 reasons you should attend EARL San Francisco. 1. Learn something new. This is a pretty obvious one and we’ve got an excellent agenda that...
5197 sym 4 img
M Quillen Fur Seal THg Data Analysis Latest
Read in Hg concentrations file from local directory # read in file from local directory dir <- "/Users/bmeyer/Google Drive/UAF Semesters/Summer 2020/M_Quillen_Draft/THg_BodyLocation_NFS.csv" x <- read.csv(dir) Create Hg concentrations boxplot #...
327 sym R (517 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
Braden Baker 15
Predicting Student Test Scores Latest
library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages...
1501 sym R (5880 sym/36 pcs) 15 img
Brandon Pascali 15
Forecasting Hw#1 Latest
Load packages and data # install and load any package necessary library(fpp3) library(moments) library(tidyverse) library(tidyquant) library(USgas) tute1 <- readr::read_csv("C:\\Users\\PythonAcct\\Downloads\\tute1.csv") tourism1 <-...
929 sym R (5966 sym/50 pcs) 14 img
Brandon S. Solano Solano 15
Clase 2 Diseno de Experimentos Latest
Pruebas de hipótesis problema 1 #Se desea comparar dos genotipos de papa con base al rendimiento (biomasa de tuberculos). Un ensayo utilizó 2 variedades (Criolla y Pastusa) involucrando 180 plantas de la primara variedad y 200 de la segunda....
1238 sym R (3869 sym/34 pcs) 3 img
Jose Fernandez, Rudy Martinez, Brenda Parnin 15
Algo - Intro Latest
Exercise 1: Descriptive Statistics (A) Create a combined mpg variable called MPG_Combo which combines 55% of the MPG_City and 45% of the MPG_Highway. Obtain a box plot for MPG_Combo and comment on what the plot tells us about fuel efficiencies....
5015 sym R (4294 sym/28 pcs) 6 img
Brian Holt 15
Quick Walkthrough intro to thinking about thinking Latest
Walk through of deeper thinking Brian Holt 2020-09-30 Pattern of presentation Abstract Content Concrete Content Broad ideas for this presentation Abstract In one of the videos on philosophy, I make reference to a philosophical concept...
6035 sym