Kate C 22
Linear Regression_One Var Latest
Regression Model Intermediate Kate C 2021-12-27 Packages and Data Packages includes fst (for reading fst document), dplyr (data manipulation), ggplot2, broom. r dataset is the one on taiwan’s property price. One Model Per Category Filter data...
2936 sym R (5657 sym/28 pcs) 4 img 3 tbl
test rpubs Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
593 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
K-Nearest Neighboor (KNN) dengan mlr3 Latest
K-Nearest Neighboor (KNN) dengan mlr3 Package Silahkan install jika belum ada install.packages("mlr3") install.packages("mlr3learners") install.packages("mlr3tuning") install.packages("kknn") library(mlr3) library(mlr3learners)...
10645 sym R (23027 sym/32 pcs)
Usuario1 22
Tablas, histogramas y poligonos de distribución de frecuencia Latest
#segundo ejercicio de la materia de estadistica aplicada #U1A2 #31/agost/20 #Gerardo González Rojas #Tablas de frecuencia e histogramas library(fdth) ## ## Attaching package: 'fdth' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':...
12 sym R (1391 sym/14 pcs) 7 img
Giorgio Garziano 22
Financial time series forecasting – an easy approach Latest
Financial time series analysis and their forecasting have an history of remarkable contributions. It is then quite hard for the beginner to get oriented and capitalize from reading such scientific literature as it requires a solid understanding of...
9650 sym R (3322 sym/11 pcs) 10 img
Guadiana Aguirre Christian 22
Caso 2 Latest
Objetivo: Generar tablas de frecuencias con un conjunto de datos de 100 registros Descripción: Crear un conjunto de datos de 100 registros con cuatro variables: nombre, genero, edad y deporte favorito de cada persona. Una vez construido el...
2869 sym R (11187 sym/24 pcs) 5 img
"Mauricio Vargas S. 帕夏" 21
LaTeX Thesis Template Latest
For my thesis I’ve created a LaTeX template according to my university’s rules. If you don’t know \(\rm\LaTeX\) you can check a quick tutorial that I made for my students. My thesis was written in english but this template is in spanish....
832 sym
Adi Verma 21
OpenIntro Lab 3: Probability Latest
library(tidyverse) library(openintro) glimpse(kobe_basket) ## Rows: 133 ## Columns: 6 ## $ vs <fct> ORL, ORL, ORL, ORL, ORL, ORL, ORL, ORL, ORL, ORL, ORL, ORL… ## $ game <int> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,...
5167 sym 2 img
Adolph Delgado M.Ed. 21
HW 1 Latest
Adolph Delgado myimage...
61 sym 1 img
Anjal Hussan, Fall 2020 21
DATA 608 - HW1 Latest
Principles of Data Visualization and Introduction to ggplot2 Environment setup if (!require('dplyr')) install.packages('dplyr') if (!require('ggplot2')) install.packages('ggplot2') if (!require('scales')) install.packages('scales') Data loading...
1488 sym R (4835 sym/17 pcs) 3 img