Evelyn Gutiérrez 22
Introduccion a R: Primeros pasos Latest
Comandos básicos Asignar valores a objetos. Para asignar valores a un objeto en R utilizamos = ó <-. Por ejemplo, para asignar el valor de 1 al objeto a (Escribir los comandos en la consola de R): a <- 1 a ## [1] 1 Otro ejemplo: asignar...
2429 sym R (1781 sym/28 pcs)
En El Margen - R-English 22
What the candidates say, analyzing republican debates using R Latest
As most people realize, this is probably one of the most data-rich primary campaigns in history, with hundreds of professional pollsters poring over every data-point trying to understand voter’s intention. So here is another data-rich post to...
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Rocha Erick Alejandro 22
Caso - 1 Latest
0.1 Objetivo: Simular datos de una población y de una muestra describiendo la media poblacional y la media muestral para su adecuada interpretación. 0.2 Descripción: Generar una población de 1000 números con valores entre 250 y 600....
3855 sym R (6023 sym/21 pcs) 3 img
Erika 22
Document Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
410 sym R (834 sym/9 pcs) 1 img
fangya 22
What is the Story of your Favorite Game Latest
Upload Dataset and Library 1 Introduction I divide this App Game Analysis into two parts: the Data Visualization for basic Statistical Summary, and some simple modeling to find what is the Best Education Games. In addition, we will explore the...
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Fred Gersdorff, Hunter Swerdloff, Jesus Rosila Mares 22
Team 4 - Flipped Assignment 2 Latest
This report captures work done for the 2nd flipped assignment, studying male and female resting heart rates. R code along with the results are provided. It was a pleasure for Team 4 to complete this assignment. Reading the Data and Creating the...
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Francia Meraz 22
Hola mundo de R Latest
Título 1 Título 2 Título 3 Título de nivel 4 Título de nivel 5 texto libre, esto es negrita, esto es Cursiva Los archivos markdown van a servir para dos propósitos : Primero: Para combinar con instrucciones R y resolver problemas...
435 sym R (213 sym/6 pcs)
francoishusson 22
MOOC on Exploratory Multivariate Data Analysis – enroll now Latest
Exploratory multivariate data analysis is studied and teached in a French-way since a long time in France. You can enroll in a MOOC (completely free) on Exploratory Multivariate Data Analysis. The MOOC will start the 27th of February. This...
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