Report Latest
Synopsis In this short analysis, I look up for the most impacting types of natural diseases for the health of the affected population and for the economic side of the event. The base data are registers of natural disasters events in US, named by...
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mikayil isgenderli 6
odev Latest
R Markdown SORU 1 4137 üniversite öğrencisi üzerinde GPA2’deki verileri kullanarak, en küçük kareler (OLS) tarafından aşağıdaki denklem tahmin edilmiştir: ü lmsyd, öğrencilerin lise mezuniyet sınıflarındaki yüzdelik dilimi...
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Mike Kaminski 6
Publish DocuUncovering the Impact of a Price Increase on Sales: A CausalImpact Analysis in Rment Latest
Setup Libraries library(zoo) library(lares) library(yfR) library(readr) library(tidyr) library(dplyr) library(CausalImpact) library(TTR) library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) library(lubridate) Control Group: Historical Stock Prices Scraped...
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mikeksmith's posterous 6
LondonR tomorrow night Latest
LondonR Date: Tuesday 3rd November Time: 6pm – 9.30pm Venue: Shooting Star Public house, 129 City Rd London, EC1, United Kingdom +44 20 7929 6818 Introduction: Richard Pugh – mangosolutions 6.15pm: Richard Saldanha – R in the City...
1601 sym
Cucio, Quintos, Tan, Villar, & Villareal 6
Second Markdown Assignment Latest
Second Markdown Assignment Cucio, Quintos, Tan, Villar, & Villareal July 16, 2021 The Monty Hall Problem The Monty Hall Problem is a famous paradoxical problem based on the television game show, Let’s Make a Deal. The problem is named after...
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HW#4 Crime Latest
Problem definition Predictive policing is a multi-dimensional optimization problem where law enforcement agencies try to efficiently utilize a scarce resource to minimize instances of crime overtime and across geographies. But how do we optimize?...
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Karla Mireya Hernández Cartagena HC18035 6
prueba_clase Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
594 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
[ESP] Análisis de la enfermedad de Chagas Latest
Al final de mi carrera de Ciencias Veterinarias en la Universidad de Buenos Aires, tuve que presentar un trabajo final sobre una temática que estuviera relacionada a mis Prácticas Profesionales Supervisadas, para las cuales elegí la rama de...
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The $3 Billion Ape Latest
The $3 Billion picture Is the NFT a buble or does it give us something? NFT stand for Non-fungible token, you might know this. If you are on Twitter you might see the crypto punks or some ape profile picture and it is likely that you did not...
2103 sym 2 img
First Markdown Assignment Latest
Question 1: Aside from reasons mentioned above, why do we need to study and analyze data? Data analysis is an important process to make the right decisions. When one began to gather and analyze data, one will likely find it easier to reach a...
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