Publications by Mike Kaminski
Using Tidymodels to Predict Churn
1 Background This data is from an old Kaggle competition - The data set includes information about: Customers who left within the last month – the column is called Churn Services that each customer has signed up for – phone, multiple lines, internet, online security, online backu...
9436 sym Python (23064 sym/87 pcs) 21 img 8 tbl
Using JamBase and Spotify APIs to Create Playlists for Chicago Venues - Next30
Introduction As an avid music fan and concert-goer, I’m always looking to discover new artists. I wanted an easier way to discover artists playing at some of my favorite Chicago venues, so I put together the below. I run this code every day (still working on how to schedule it) and it includes all the concerts at the selected venues in the ne...
3857 sym R (14220 sym/13 pcs)
Reclassifying NBA Player Postions Pt. 3 - Clustering Analysis Results
Libraries library(tidymodels) # broom, dials, parsnip, tune, workflows, yardstick library(tidyverse) #ggplot2, dplyr, tidyr, readr, purr, tibble, stringr, lubridate library(gghighlight) Read in the Data NBACleanData <- read_csv("Data/model0623.csv",show_col_types = FALSE) %>% select(-1) model_df <- NBACleanData %>% select(-80) %>% mutate(Ye...
10744 sym R (10673 sym/21 pcs) 27 img
Reclassifying NBA Player Postions Pt. 1 - Cleaning The Data
library(readr) library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(ggplot2) library(knitr) library(tidyr) library(stringi) Import Data Per 100 Possessions per_poss <-"C:/Users/mikek/Documents/NBA-Player-Clustering/Data/per_poss.csv")) per_poss1 <- per_poss %>% select('Year', everything(),-contains("Unnamed")) %>% rename...
3163 sym R (14033 sym/47 pcs) 1 img
Reclassifying NBA Player Postions Pt. 2 - Clustering Analysis Using Tidymodels
Intro I’ve scraped data from for 4 stat categories for all seasons from 2001 - 2022 - Advanced - Per Game - Per 100 Possession - Shooting I removed players who averaged less than 12 minutes per game during any given season. I may potentially remove players who played less than 20 mins per game. Libr...
5574 sym R (17766 sym/45 pcs) 22 img
Publish DocuUncovering the Impact of a Price Increase on Sales: A CausalImpact Analysis in Rment
Setup Libraries library(zoo) library(lares) library(yfR) library(readr) library(tidyr) library(dplyr) library(CausalImpact) library(TTR) library(ggplot2) library(reshape2) library(lubridate) Control Group: Historical Stock Prices Scraped from Yahoo! Finance Gets a list of all the tickers in the S&P500 Extracts historical prices from yah...
2977 sym R (22421 sym/47 pcs) 9 img