
Datos Conejos Latest


Ejemplo con Datos de Conejos (Librería Faraway) El siguiente documento nos muestra el procesamiento de los datos del experimento de conejos de la base de datos Rabbit en la librería farwaway. require(faraway) ## Loading required package:...

945 sym R (744 sym/13 pcs) 2 img

Anggit Novietasari 6

Tiktok Popular Tracks Latest


Introduction I will show case an approach to this data. My aim is to communicate what usage this data might have and for who, what tools I will use to bring ideas on how to further expand upon the product This data is collected from Kaggel`s...

4992 sym R (5248 sym/18 pcs) 4 img

Angus Mackenzie 6

Reproducible Research - Project 2 Latest


## Setup options(scipen=999) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ## Packages require(tidyverse) ## Loading required package: tidyverse ## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.1 -- ## v ggplot2 3.3.3 v...

1640 sym R (7771 sym/23 pcs) 2 img

Anirban Chatterjee 6

Coursera - Reproducible Research - Project 2 Latest


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) Synopsis This paper makes an attempt to explore the NOAA Storm Database and answer some basic questions about severe weather events.It uses data from U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s...

4752 sym R (4307 sym/27 pcs) 3 img

Anita 6

MyReproducibleResearch Latest


Overview Synopsis: Exploratory Analysis of the NOAA Storm Database (1950- November2011) to analyze severe weather outcomes. Goals: 1. Identify events that are harmful to population health. 2. Identify events that have the greatest economic...

2596 sym R (5987 sym/20 pcs) 3 img

Ana Beatriz Castro 6

Aula ADM Latest


Ainda bem Ainda bem Ainda bem Letra da musica Que você vive comigo Porque senão Como seria esta vida? Sei lá, sei lá Nos dias frios em que nós estamos juntos Nos abraçamos sob o nosso conforto De amar, de amar Se há dores, tudo fica mais...

1159 sym 1 img

Anna Clara Giagio 6

Aula 01 de adm 2021.2 Latest


Das vantagens de ser bobo O bobo, por não se ocupar com ambições, tem tempo para ver, ouvir e tocar no mundo. O bobo é capaz de ficar sentado, quase sem se mexer por duas horas. Se perguntando por que não faz alguma coisa, responde: “Estou...

2624 sym

Angel J. Quispe Carita 6

Distribución de Frecuencias y Representación Gráfica Latest


Tabla de Distribución de Frecuencias Los siguientes datos indican el número de minutos que ocuparon sus asientos 50 clientes de una cafetería: Para construir la tabla de distribución de frecuencias instalaremos el paquete “fdth”...

1548 sym R (1354 sym/16 pcs) 5 img

Annie Pham 6

Online Harassment: How Serious is it? Latest


Online Harassment: How serious is it? Annie Pham 5/5/2021 Background I decided to look at the topic of online harassment because while it has always been such a hot topic in the internet era, there is not enough research on the topic in...

4969 sym R (53127 sym/4 pcs) 27 img 14 tbl

Anisa Nurizki 6

Titanic Dataset Latest


Penggunaan Titanic Dataset Penggunaan Titanic Dataset Fungsi summarise() Fungsi arrange() Fungsi filter() Fungsi select() Fungsi mutate() Aggregasi data Anisa Nurizki 2021-08-30 R merupakan bahasa pemrograman yang banyak digunakan untuk...

1408 sym R (6028 sym/20 pcs)