Publications by Anita



Overview Synopsis: Exploratory Analysis of the NOAA Storm Database (1950- November2011) to analyze severe weather outcomes. Goals: 1. Identify events that are harmful to population health. 2. Identify events that have the greatest economic consequences. Import Libraries and Create Functions library(dplyr) ## Warning: package 'dplyr' was built un...

2596 sym R (5987 sym/20 pcs) 3 img

Course Assignment: Statistical Inference Course Project


Overview The purpose of this data analysis is to investigate the exponential distribution and compare it to the Central Limit Theorem. For this analysis, the lambda will be set to 0.2 for all of the simulations. This investigation will compare the distribution of averages of 40 exponentials over 1000 simulations. Simulations Set the simulation v...

1412 sym R (955 sym/16 pcs) 3 img

StatsInfer Project2


Overview The purpose of the this data analysis is to analyze the ToothGrowth data set by comparing the guinea tooth growth by supplement and dose. First, I will do exploratory data analysis on the data set. Then I will do the comparison with confidence intervals in order to make conclusions about the tooth growth. Load the ToothGrowth data and p...

646 sym R (3911 sym/24 pcs) 2 img



My First Leaflet Map Create a leaflet map object. library(leaflet) map <- leaflet() %>% addTiles() Create a marker with a picture of Benrath Palace and a link to its homepage. benrathPalaceIcon <- makeIcon( iconUrl = "", iconWidth = 30*408/255, ic...

182 sym R (675 sym/3 pcs)



Load data setwd("F:/Anita RJ/DataScience/Coursera/Capstone/final/en_US") blogs<-readLines("en_US.blogs.txt",warn=FALSE,encoding="UTF-8") news<-readLines("",warn=FALSE,encoding="UTF-8") twitter<-readLines("en_US.twitter.txt",warn=FALSE,encoding="UTF-8") I set the directory and load 3 data. Summarize data size_b<-file.size(path="F...

533 sym R (6954 sym/21 pcs) 3 img

Course Assignment: DevlopingDataProducts Course Project


12 September 2020 My Title Predict Horse Power from MPG Purpose The purpose of this Shiny app is to predict miles per gallon of a given car model based on its horsepower data. This data is part of the "mtcars" dataset from R's automatically loaded Datasets Package. The source is: Henderson and Velleman (1981), Building multiple regression models...

1144 sym R (1362 sym/2 pcs) 1 img



Load data setwd("F:/Anita RJ/DataScience/Coursera/Capstone/final/en_US") blogs<-readLines("en_US.blogs.txt",warn=FALSE,encoding="UTF-8") news<-readLines("",warn=FALSE,encoding="UTF-8") twitter<-readLines("en_US.twitter.txt",warn=FALSE,encoding="UTF-8") I set the directory and load 3 data. Summarize data size_blogs<-file.size(pat...

679 sym R (7208 sym/21 pcs) 3 img