
Emre Toros 28

Player match Latest


the data library(tidyverse) #data q <- read.csv("C:/Users/emretoros/OneDrive/Makale/futbol/instat/tr_uk2.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE) #seperate non-numerics z <- q %>% select(1:4) #convert to numeric w <- q %>% select(5:50) %>%...

5215 sym R (42733 sym/13 pcs)

Chapter 2 Homework Latest


2.4.3 Plot 2.5.3 2.5.4 Boxplot Comparing Men’s and Women’s answers By looking at the boxplot, the distribution of the weekly workout hours of the men surveyed, appears to be symmetric. Conversely, in the case of women, the distribution is...

1614 sym R (1348 sym/43 pcs) 7 img

Angie Scetta 28

Ejemplo Boxplot Latest


Variables Categóricas: Distribución de los Datos A continuación se mostrará como se realiza e interpreta un gráfico de boxplot o cajas para analizar la distribución y la tendencia central de un conjunto de datos determinado. Para empezar,...

2117 sym R (966 sym/6 pcs) 2 img

ElenaVela_A01283535 28

ComandosBasicos Latest


Primer R Markdown, por Elena Vela. Comandos Básicos. Símbolos ^ ~ Asignación de Variables Se le asigna un valor a cada letra, en este caso, debido a facilidad matemática, a la “x” y a la “y”. x <- 3 y <- 2 Impresión de Resultados...

2466 sym 2 img

A.M. Barbosa 28

Improvements to fuzzySim functions Latest


A few improvements were recently made to several functions in the fuzzySim package. Mainly, function modelTrim is now more independent (it used to require “attach” sometimes); multTSA allows either “AIC” or “significance” as a backward...

1119 sym

Gregory Kanevsky 28

Java Anti-Pattern: Constructors and Template Method Pattern Latest


My love for template method pattern hit the wall. The wall of Java constructors that is. Do not mix them together ever or at least without double checking. Again, I am all for template method pattern when it operates on fully...

2492 sym R (1013 sym/4 pcs)

16040460 Edgar Miguel Soto Trujillo 28

practica 3 Latest


set.seed(1000) dist1 <- sample(70:100, size = 50, replace=TRUE) dist2 <- sample(70:100, size = 50, replace=TRUE) dist3 <- sample(70:100, size = 50, replace=TRUE) ###Datos de la distribucion 1 dist1 ## [1] 85 73 80 91 88 93 98 72 98 87 91 75...

2317 sym R (4301 sym/73 pcs) 6 img

Ethan Haley 28

Why Some People Choose Not To Vote Latest


Overview of FiveThirtyEight’s article exploring why people don’t vote This article, using polling data gathered 49-39 days before the latest U.S. presidential election, in which the highest percentage of eligible voters since 1900 actually...

2771 sym R (5146 sym/7 pcs) 5 img

Easy Guides 28

Bar plot of Group Means with Individual Observations Latest


Example data sets Install ggpubr Bar plot of group means with individual informations ggpubr is great for data visualization and very easy to use for non-“R programmer”. It makes easy to simply produce an elegant ggplot2-based graphs. Read...

1387 sym R (736 sym/3 pcs) 2 img

Miguel Arquez Abdala 28

Intermediate R Latest


String comparison String comparison is based on alphabetical order "Hello" > "GoodBye" ## [1] TRUE Logical operators AND operator & OR operator | NOT operator ! # Every element compared with the their c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE) & c(TRUE, FALSE,...

745 sym R (9119 sym/77 pcs)