Publications by A.M. Barbosa

Delimiting the modelling background for scattered uneven occurrence data


In species distribution modelling and ecological niche modelling (SDM & ENM), the region from where background or pseudoabsence points are picked is key to how well a model turns out. This region should include sufficient localities for the model to assess the species’ (non-)preferences, but it should also be within the species’ reach AND reaso...

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Getting marine polygon maps in R


Another frequent question of my students is how to obtain a polygon map of the seas and oceans, rather than the land polygons (countries, etc.) that are commonly imported with R spatial data packages. You can mostly just use the land polygons and do the opposite operation as you would do for terrestrial features — e.g., to colour the sea in a ma...

1750 sym Python (1111 sym/2 pcs) 4 img

Extract raster values to points with bilinear interpolation


A student recently asked me how exactly the R terra::extract() function worked when using method="bilinear" to get raster values for points. The help file rightly says that ‘With “bilinear” the returned values are interpolated from the values of the four nearest raster cells‘, but this wasn’t immediately clear without a visual example. So...

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Actual pixel sizes of unprojected raster maps


It is well known, though often dismissed, that the areas of spatial units (cells, pixels) based on unprojected coordinates (longitude-latitude degrees, arc-minutes or arc-seconds) are wildly inconsistent across the globe. Towards the poles, as the longitude meridians approach each other, the actual ground width of the pixels sharply decreases. So, ...

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Weighted probability vs. favourability


Presence probability, typically obtained with presence-(pseudo)absence modelling methods like GLM, GAM, GBM or Random Forest, is conditional not only on the suitability of the environmental conditions, but also on the general prevalence (proportion of presences) of the species in the study area. So, a species with few presences will generally have ...

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Removing absences from GBIF datasets


I often come across GBIF users who are unaware that the records available for a given taxon are not necessarily all presences: there’s a column named “occurrenceStatus” whose value can be “PRESENT” or “ABSENT”! The absence records can, of course, be removed with simple operations in R or even omitted from the download, but many users ...

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Getting continent, mainland and island maps in R


Maps of continents, mainlands and islands can be useful, for example, for selecting areas — and then cropping or masking variables — for modelling a species’ distribution. Here’s a way to obtain such maps using the ‘geodata’ and ‘terra’ R packages: # load required packages: library(terra) library(geodata) # import a world countries...

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Safe-and-simple cleaning of species occurrences


In my species distribution modelling courses, for a quick and safe removal of the most common biodiversity database errors, I’ve so far used functions from the scrubr R package, namely ‘coord_incomplete’, ‘coord_impossible’, ‘coord_unlikely’, ‘coord_imprecise’ and ‘coord_uncertain’. There are other R packages for species occ...

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Lollipop chart


According to modern recommendations in data viz, lollipop charts are generally a better alternative to bar charts, as they reduce the visual distortion caused by the length of the bars, making it easier to compare the values. So, in the next versions of the ‘modEvA‘ and ‘fuzzySim‘ packages, functions that produce bar plots will instead (b...

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Model evaluation with presence points and raster predictions


The Boyce index (Boyce et al. 2002) is often described as a presence-only metric for evaluating the predictions of species distribution (or ecological niche, or habitat suitability) models (e.g. Hirzel et al. 2006, Cianfrani et al. 2010, Bellard et al. 2013, Valavi et al. 2022). It measures the predicted-to-expected ratio of presences in each cla...

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