Jackson Sullivan 6
My First Publication Latest
Q1 What is R? The medium that we code in. Q2 What is RStudio? The interface for all of our data. Q3 What is R packages? Shareable code. Note: For help with RMarkdown syntax, go Help > Cheatsheets > R Markdown Reference Guide. Q4 Add a code...
260 sym R (262 sym/2 pcs)
Lab2 - Data Exploration and Analysis Laboratory Latest
Lab2 - Data Exploration and Analysis Introduction Weather has been a daily topic that exists in our social lives. Everyday we can read news and forecasts about weather everywhere on the media. One extreme weather draws me interests in...
2124 sym R (10338 sym/1 pcs) 10 img
Elder, Jacob 6
Test Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
411 sym R (28 sym/2 pcs)
Harris Coding Camp Module 2: Installing Packages and Reading Data Latest
Module 2: Installing Packages and Reading DataJacob JamesonSummer 2021 Functions A function is a block of organized, reusable code that is used to perform a single, related action. Functions in R are (most often) verbs, followed by what they...
4939 sym R (671 sym/21 pcs) 5 img
Nathan Brouwer 6
PVA Portfolio Latest
Data: Figure 5 (plus 10 years) Make data vectors, calculate lambda, and put together dataframe with all necessary data. census The census period; an index from 1 to 39 of how many years of data have been collected. census <- 1:39 year t The...
5236 sym R (10495 sym/51 pcs) 10 img
Jaime Alberto Santamaria Vazquez 6
Tarea 1 Latest
EJERCICIO 6.12 En un artículo de AT&T Technical Journal (vol. 65, pp. 39-50) se describe la aplicación de diseños factoriales de dos niveles en la fabricación de circuitos integrados. Un paso básico del procesamiento es hacer crecer una...
8176 sym R (2897 sym/20 pcs) 3 img 4 tbl
Jaime Barranco Girón, Blas López Gil, Carlos Almansa Parreño 6
Trabajo Parte1 Latest
Probabilidad En una convención de comics hay 500 personas, de las cuales 450 son hombres. Teniendo en cuenta que el 20% (100) de las personas que han acudido a la convención van disfrazadas. Si escogemos a un individuo al azar tal que M: “Es...
4044 sym
Jaime Mosquera. 6
Algunos gráficos descriptivos Latest
Paquetes necesarios library(ggplot2) library(car) library(RcmdrMisc) library(lubridate) library(scales) library(qcc) library(agricolae) Ejemplo 1 Préstamo de bicicletas Los siguientes son datos correspondientes al número de bicicletas...
4620 sym R (4038 sym/28 pcs) 22 img
Jeffrey Kinneer 6
A5 Results Jeffrey Kinneer Latest
27.02.2020 #Setup We begin this assignment by adding the data from midwest in the ggplot2 package. We attach the data to add the column fields into the catalog. library(ggplot2) View(midwest) attach(midwest) #Graph 1 Create...
9610 sym R (2491 sym/29 pcs) 19 img
Genius Data Breakdown Latest
The College Scorecard The college scorecard is a dataset collected and provided by the US department of education. Each row of this data is a college/university and each column describes something about the institution. Summary Stats Here is a...
741 sym 1 img