Publications by JWH
Genius Data Breakdown
The College Scorecard The college scorecard is a dataset collected and provided by the US department of education. Each row of this data is a college/university and each column describes something about the institution. Summary Stats Here is a colleciton of summary statistics I find interesting about this data. ## # A tibble: 1 × 3 ## `Mo...
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Assignment 4 Jake Heimann
Data I’m using For this assignment I will be comparing twitter data from the Baltimore Ravens and Pittsburg Steelers. I have collected tweets talking about each team as well as a timeline of recent tweets from both accounts. Question 1 The first question I want to know is, which teams fans are more supporting on Sundays? To find this I wil...
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Jake Heimann In class activity 11-1
## # A tibble: 2 × 2 ## brewery `Average Review` ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 madtree 4.35 ## 2 rhinegeist 4.32 This shows us that Madtree has a slightly higher average review than Rhinegheist ## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'word'. You can override using the ## `.groups` argument. ## # A tib...
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Jake Heimann Assignment 5
My first question is: Which streaming service is talked about with more positive words when talked about on twitter? This will show which one has an overall more positive outlook from twitter users. To find this I will first find the 5000 most recent tweets about each streaming service. Then I will do a count of the most commonly tweeted non ...
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Assignment 6 Jake Heimann
Intro For this assignment I want to look at how critic ratings for video games compare to user ratings. To do this I will scrape data from a website called Metacritic who rates video games but also lets their users rate them. I will be looking specifically at video games from the year 2021 (since many of the 2022 games do not have offical use...
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Jake Heimann Final Project
Intro For this analysis, I’m going to be looking at video game data. Specifically, this dataset has thousands of video games that were released in or before 2017 and looks at things like their sales, critic scores, user scores, genre, publisher, published year, platform, and rating. From this data I want to find out what makes a video game ...
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