
Denise O’Sullivan (Data Analyst) 6

6 Nations, 3 Games - Data Analysis and Visualisation of Women’s Rugby using R Latest


1 Introduction In a “normal” world the Women’s Rugby World Cup (RWC) 2021 would start in New Zealand in October 2021. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the tournament is now rescheduled to October 2022, with a few spots still open for...

20911 sym 29 img

Eden Kalyanapu 6

Assignment 1 Latest


This assignment is not really a coding assignment. The purpose is mostly to get you used to creating reports in R as you’ll need to do this for future assignments. We will cover reporting in more depth later in the course. Instructions In the...

830 sym R (369 sym/2 pcs)

Edgardo Di Bello 6

Publish Document Latest


Analysis of the NOAA storm database to find the most harmful meteorological event in public health and economic area Synopsis This project involves exploring the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) storm database. This...

1678 sym R (5941 sym/6 pcs) 2 img

Document Latest


LBB IP Romasenna Edgar Column How many Accident in years The data get form This data that we use form 2016, this accident Top 15 of the Accident. Rows Comparison 2015 Comparison 2017 Comparison 2018...

477 sym

ingeniero juan eduardo campos garcia 6

Ejercicio 6.12 Latest


Ejercicio 6.12 6.12 En un artículo de AT&T Technical Journal (vol. 65, pp. 39-50) se describe la aplicación de diseños factoriales de dos niveles en la fabricación de circuitos integrados. Un paso básico del procesamiento es hacer crecer...

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Exploração do clima em João Pessoa, Campina Grande e Patos - PB (Umidade e Temperatura) Latest


Perguntas 3 e 4. João Pessoa, Campina Grande e Patos são 3 referências para entender o clima na Paraíba. A primeira cidade está no litoral, a segunda próximo ao topo da Serra da Borborema, e a terceira no Sertão. library(tidyverse)...

2552 sym R (2472 sym/11 pcs) 7 img

Grupo de Trabalho nº3: Alejandro Javier Alegre Reyes, Camila Silva da Silveira, Eduardo Teixeira Santos, Rafael Martins das Neves e Sthéfany Angelica Silda de Vargas 6

Atividade 1 Análise da Qualidade Do Vinho Latest


1. Descrição do Trabalho Este trabalho foi proposto para o módulo de Estatistica Aplicada na Industria, ministrado pelo Prof.º Dr.º Paulo Fernando Duarte Filho, no ambito do Programa de Especialização em Gestão de Processos Químicos...

6333 sym R (41479 sym/157 pcs) 64 img

Edwyn Turner Verdugo 6

Control 1 Latest


Pregunta 1 Limpie el environment para comenzar a trabajar. rm(list = ls()) Enviroment Limpio Pregunta 2 Cargue los paquetes necesarios para trabajar con DT. library(data.table) Cargamos data.table Pregunta 3 Abra las bases de datos egresos y...

2557 sym R (751 sym/11 pcs)

Edzer Pebesma 6

Plotting and subsetting stars objects Latest


Summary Plots of raster data Subsetting Conversions: raster, spacetime Easier set-up Earlier stars blogs [view raw Rmd] Summary This is the second blog on the stars project, an R-Consortium funded project for spatiotemporal tidy arrays with R. It...

4227 sym R (3970 sym/9 pcs) 14 img

Eric Erkela 6

Survey of Most Harmful Weather Events (Reproducible Research Project 2) Latest


Synopsis Every year, extreme weather claims hundreds of lives and causes billions of dollars in damage. Using comprehensive data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, we can identify which types of atmospheric events have the...

9686 sym R (15731 sym/33 pcs) 3 img