Devin Quebodeaux 6
Document Latest
R Markdown 2. Carefully explain the differences between the KNN classifier and KNN regression methods. KNN classifier is used for classification problems where KNN regression is used for regression problems. Classifier 0 to 1 Regression the...
2901 sym R (7706 sym/39 pcs) 4 img
David Funes 6
Lab 1 intro to r and rstudio Latest
First code exercise (2 hash tags means subtitle) Description of what the exercise is (plain text here) # install.packages("tidyverse") # install.packages("openintro") library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages -------------- ## v ggplot2 3.3.2...
276 sym R (3358 sym/32 pcs) 3 img
Prel results 230101 Latest
Study flow chart and demographics and patient characteristics Number of patients included and excluded from the respective emulated trials. Trial 1 and 2 will not be analysed due to too few in the Active group. Q: What to present in demography...
3704 sym 23 img
Covid-19 Daily Cases - San Diego County Latest
COVID-19 Which communities in San Diego have the highest daily new case rates? \(~\) Communities With Highest Daily COVID Cases Date Daily Positive Cases 92154 Thursday, December 3, 2020 118 Friday, December 4, 2020 112 Saturday, December...
1067 sym 1 img
Thien Dao 6
Covid-19 in The Netherlands Latest
Data updated to 2020-04-26 13:50 Overview Total Total tested positive: 37845 Total hospitalized: 10456 Total deceased: 4475 Today Total tested positive: 655 Total hospitalized: 75 Total deceased: 66 Details Time series Accumulated...
282 sym
Pesquisa de preços Latest
Pacotes utilizados library(rvest) library(dplyr) library(kableExtra) library(ggplot2) Site de Buscas O buscapé foi o site escolhido para as buscas do produto. ## {html_document} ## <html lang="pt-BR"> ## [1] <head>\n<meta...
202 sym R (488 sym/5 pcs) 1 img 1 tbl
Aluno: Diego Kazadi 6
Temperatura em JP e CG Latest
Carregar pacotes antes de começar a explorar dados no R, as bibliotecas que fornecem funções e ferramentas para realizar diversas tarefas, como importar e exportar dados, realizar análises estatísticas, criar gráficos, entre outras....
5959 sym Python (11871 sym/26 pcs) 9 img
GRUPO 13 6
Analisis de Componentes Principales La base de datos que vamos a utilizar se basa en la información de clientes de una entidad bancaria. La cual cuenta con un total de 1254 observaciones y 19 variables entre cuantitativas y cualitativas, que...
3681 sym R (5229 sym/15 pcs) 4 img
Document Latest
Gráfico 1 Balanza de Pagos (Millones de dólares, % del PIB, año) Fuente: Banco Central del Uruguay * Cifras Preliminares desde 2018 Gráfico 2 Cuenta Financiera por Sector Institucional (Millones de dólares, año) Fuente: Banco Central del...
27581 sym 27 img
Dikky Cahyo Hariyanto, Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.Kom (Magister Informatika, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang) 6
Mempelajari Data Exploration di R Latest
Disini berdasarkan arahan dari Prof. M. Suhartono dalam mata kuliah Knowledge Learning dan Data Mining untuk mencoba bagaimana melakukan eksplorasi data set yang bernama “Iris”. Hal pertama yang dilakukan adalah mengecek seberapa besar data...
1471 sym R (2859 sym/18 pcs)