MyTestRMD Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
534 sym
kim 6
R마크다운 Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
591 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
Camila Prado 6
Introducción a la estadística computacional y uso de R Latest
Desafío 1 Realice otros 10 ejemplos con diferentes operadores matemáticos. v1 = 180 v2 = 50 sinrad = sin(v1) Resta resta = v1 - v2 #[1] 130 Módulo modulo = v1 %% v2 #[1] 30 Potencia potencia = v1 ^ v2 #[1] 5.802635e+112 Factorial factorial...
3364 sym 1 img
Kacper Gruca 6
Dimension Reduction - Housing market data Latest
Introduction The aim of this article is to apply PCA algorithm for dimension reduction on housing market data. PCA stands for Principal Component Analysis, and it is a statistical technique used for analyzing datasets in order to identify patterns...
7030 sym R (4356 sym/23 pcs) 10 img
Ashton Kaderli 6
In Class Activity 2/22/2022 Latest
In class Activity This data is from The Division of Economic Development and Forecasting, Ourso College of Business, Louisiana State University. It has 1200 observations and contains mostly demographic information. A distribution of family...
565 sym 1 img
China's Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Latest
China’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Overview Age of Competition? Tensions between China and the United States continue to make headlines on a frequent basis, and we can continue to expect this mounting tension to continue. On the...
2742 sym
Kaitlan Wong 6
Median Full-Time Income in Texas by Race/Ethnicity Latest
#Read in ACS data from IPUMS usa_ddi <- read_ipums_ddi("usa_00026.xml") acs_data <- read_ipums_micro("usa_00026.xml", data_file = ("usa_00026.csv.gz"), verbose = FALSE) #Convert variable names to lower case names(acs_data) <-...
16 sym R (4090 sym/11 pcs) 2 img
COVID-19:SOLES_080420 Latest
Progress Report: COVID-19 SOLES CAMARADES 8 April 2020 COVID-19 Reviewers Thank you for registering as a reviewer for our COVID-19 systematic online living evidence summary (SOLES) project! We will bring you weekly progress reports to provide you...
1922 sym 1 tbl
Kalyan Kumar Pasumarthy 6
Create a GENCODE transcript database in R Latest
The following gist will help the researchers in creating the gencode transcript database using the bioconductor packages. I am assuming that the user’s computer has preinstalled packages “GenomicRanges” and “GenomicFeatures”. Following...
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