Publications by CAMARADES
Progress Report: COVID-19 SOLES CAMARADES 15 April 2020 COVID-19 Reviewers Thank you for registering as a reviewer for our COVID-19 systematic online living evidence summary (SOLES) project! We will bring you weekly progress reports to provide you with an update on where we are in the project and inform you of any important developments. Please ...
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Progress Report: COVID-19 SOLES CAMARADES 8 April 2020 COVID-19 Reviewers Thank you for registering as a reviewer for our COVID-19 systematic online living evidence summary (SOLES) project! We will bring you weekly progress reports to provide you with an update on where we are in the project and inform you of any important developments. Please s...
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Progress Report:: COVID-19 SOLES 090420
Progress Report: COVID-19 SOLES CAMARADES 9 April 2020 COVID-19 Reviewers Thank you for registering as a reviewer for our COVID-19 systematic online living evidence summary (SOLES) project! We will bring you weekly progress reports to provide you with an update on where we are in the project and inform you of any important developments. Please s...
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Progress Report: COVID-19 SOLES CAMARADES 23 April 2020 COVID-19 Reviewers Thank you for registering as a reviewer for our COVID-19 systematic online living evidence summary (SOLES) project! We will bring you weekly progress reports to provide you with an update on where we are in the project and inform you of any important developments. Please ...
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Weekly OFT Systematic Review Update
WP2 Systematic Review Report Kaitlyn Hair November 2020 Report 1 Training and Contribution A total of 44 reviewers have started training on the SyRF platform since the beginning of the project and 28 reviewers have now completed the training. The breakdown of reviewers per institution and affiliation type (Academic, Industry, and External (non-E...
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Open Field Test Systematic Review Progress Report
EQIPD OFT Review Progress Report Kaitlyn Hair 30 June, 2021 Reviewers working on the project A total of 84 reviewers have registered on the SyRF platform since the beginning of the project. 33 have started the reviewer training and 26 reviewers have now completed the training. Progress over time With a total of 799 to extract from, there are a ...
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