Brian Syzdek 7
SAND SSP Comparison Latest
SSP I first looked at the data to see the utility of using diagnosis and/or SSP scores in combination and how that might affect outcomes. First, I wanted to start by just seeing what kind of numbers we are talking about. How many cases of those...
8275 sym R (1001 sym/1 pcs) 16 tbl
Aleksandra Szczepkowska 7
Sprawozdanie 1 Latest
0.1 Rodzaje struktur danych 0.1.1 Wektory Zadanie 1. Utwórz wektor danych “wiek” (w latach). Każdy z nich ma mieć 10 obserwacji, dowolne wartości. wiek <- c(15,25,40,50,60,23,33,36,19,24) 0.1.2 Czynnik Zadanie 2. Utwórz wektor ryzyko...
1955 sym 4 img
Tyler Werland 7
Homework2 Latest
(2) Carefully explain the differences between the KNN classifier and KNN regression methods. In simple terms, they are similar, but KNN classifier is used to solve classification problems whereas as KNN regression is used to solve regression...
4573 sym R (10554 sym/41 pcs) 6 img
Santiago Tafur-Valencia 7
Exploratorio Latest
Explorar Datos de Semillas En el siguiente documento se muestra cómo realizar análisis exploratorio de los datos de la germinación de semillas con base en los datos de Julian Faraway. Exploratorio Univariado require(faraway) ## Loading...
1309 sym R (1479 sym/22 pcs) 3 img
Talita Rosa dos Santos Saviano 7
Atividade 1 - Publicação do Rpubs Latest
GERANDO UMA AMOSTRA PELO RSTUDIO: Abaixo temos uma função utilizada no R para gerar amostras a partir de uma população inicialmente definida. Podemos gerar uma amostra com reposição ou sem reposição a cada novo sorteio. No caso abaixo,...
835 sym R (76 sym/2 pcs)
COVID 19 Dashboard Latest
Coronavirus in Portugal Tiago A. Marques Summary Row confirmed 2,060 death 23 (1.1%) Row Daily cumulative cases by type (Portugal only) Comparison Column Daily new cases Cases distribution by type Map World map of cases...
1923 sym R (12908 sym/2 pcs)
Tanmay Jog 7
Assignment 2 Data Wrangling Latest
Who is Tanmay Jog? Tanmay Jog A synopsis of who you are I’m a student at the University of Cincinnati, Lindner College of Business pursuing masters in Informations Systems with Data Analytics Graduate Certificate. I’m from Mumbai, India....
3283 sym
Taranjot Singh 7
Coursera Reproducible Research Project 2 Latest
Exploring the NOAA Storm Database 1.) Synopsis : Storms and other severe weather events can cause both public health and economic problems for communities and unicipalities. Many severe events can result in fatalities, injuries, and property...
2198 sym R (3346 sym/18 pcs) 3 img
Dodi Taufik Hidayat UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang 7
Bab 1 Latihan 1.49 Latest
===================================================== Nama Mahasiswa : Dodi Taufik Hidayat NIM : 220605110142 Kelas : B Mata Kuliah : Linear Algebra Dosen Pengampuh : Prof.Dr.Suhartono,M.Kom Jurusan : Teknik Informatika Universitas : UIN Maulana...
468 sym R (433 sym/7 pcs)
Tautvydas Merkevičius 7
Data visualization homework no.1 Latest
Data visualization homework no.1 Choose a data set (the number of data attributes should be more than 5), explain why it is important or interesting for you. Formulate research questions (for which you expect to find the answers) Make some...
1873 sym R (3482 sym/8 pcs) 5 img