Publications by Taranjot Singh
Coursera Reproducible Research Project 2
Exploring the NOAA Storm Database 1.) Synopsis : Storms and other severe weather events can cause both public health and economic problems for communities and unicipalities. Many severe events can result in fatalities, injuries, and property damage, and preventing such outcomes to the extent possible is a key concern. This project involves exp...
2198 sym R (3346 sym/18 pcs) 3 img
Developing Data Products Project-3
12/07/2020 Graph showing Carat Vs Price in Diamonds dataset and color on the basis of Cut : Thanks ...
112 sym
11 July, 2020 Loading the required libraries : library(leaflet) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union Marking co-ordinataes and converting them ...
139 sym R (453 sym/6 pcs)
12/07/2020 Reproducible Pitch This is an assignment for the data science coursera specialization course about developing data products. As part of this, I have created an app using Shiny and deployed it on Shiny Server. The link to that is : and the code for ui.R and server.R can be found at https://github....
650 sym R (2792 sym/4 pcs)
12/07/2020 Coursera Reproducible Pitch This is a task for the data science coursera course about developing data products for week 4. As part of this, I have created a shiny app and deployed it on the shiny server. The link is The code can be found at ...
495 sym R (1466 sym/4 pcs)
Coursera Data Science Capstone Project Week 2 Report
Introduction : The goal of this capstone is to mimic the experience of being a data scientist. The project consists of developing a predictive model of text (Predictive Text Analytics) using a Swifkey Company Dataset. The main steps of this exercise are :- 1) Downloading the dataset and successfully loading it. 2) Analysis of cleaned data. 3...
3398 sym R (6308 sym/35 pcs) 3 img
Data Science Specialization : Capstone Project Presentation
Data Science Specialization: Capstone Project (Next Word Prediction using SwiftKey Dataset)Taranjot Singh21 July 2020 About The application to predict the next word can be found here The app takes a set of words from the user, in a text box input and outputs a prediction of the next word (similarly to mobile keyboards apps implemented by Swiftk...
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Data Science Specialization : Capstone Project Presentation
Data Science Specialization: Capstone Project (Next Word Prediction using SwiftKey Dataset)Taranjot Singh21 July 2020 About The application to predict the next word can be found here The app takes a set of words from the user, in a text box input and outputs a prediction of the next word (similarly to mobile keyboards apps implemented by Swiftk...
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Data Science Specialization : Capstone Project Presentation
Data Science Specialization: Capstone Project (Next Word Prediction using SwiftKey Dataset)Taranjot Singh21 July 2020 About The application to predict the next word can be found here The app takes a set of words from the user, in a text box input and outputs a prediction of the next word (similarly to mobile keyboards apps implemented by Swiftk...
2316 sym 1 img
Data Science Specialization : Capstone Project Presentation
Data Science Specialization: Capstone Project (Next Word Prediction using SwiftKey Dataset)Taranjot Singh21 July 2020 About The application to predict the next word can be found here The app takes a set of words from the user, in a text box input and outputs a prediction of the next word (similarly to mobile keyboards apps implemented by Swiftk...
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