Charges for the use of intellectual property, receipts (BoP, current US$), 2022

Country Charges for the use of intellectual property, receipts (BoP, current US$)
Albania 13,222,817
Algeria 468,636
Argentina 226,033,340
Aruba 799,423
Australia 1,244,181,531
Azerbaijan 3,384,000
Bangladesh 3,758,746
Belgium 3,644,296,528
Bhutan 8,052
Bolivia 1,956,166
Bosnia & Herzegovina 6,635,653
Brazil 745,138,505
Bulgaria 291,840,000
Cambodia 17,711,103
Canada 7,833,290,582
Cape Verde 29,645
Chile 65,404,498
China 13,304,772,071
Colombia 162,570,780
Costa Rica 7,259,198
Croatia 125,059,892
Cyprus 582,621,292
Czechia 828,135,059
Denmark 4,816,662,727
Dominican Republic 700,000
Ecuador 17,083,775
El Salvador 158,655
Estonia 71,190,669
Fiji 268,199
Finland 3,280,386,295
France 13,740,370,352
Germany 53,303,007,589
Greece 87,274,705
Hungary 1,600,622,727
Iceland 82,041,333
India 1,167,577,791
Indonesia 211,636,827
Ireland 15,003,491,740
Israel 2,813,900,000
Italy 5,290,740,284
Jamaica 4,769,937
Japan 46,598,458,568
Kazakhstan 6,647,490
Kosovo 268,263
Latvia 17,805,193
Lesotho 176,723
Lithuania 8,552,531
Luxembourg 2,669,167,506
Malaysia 280,919,799
Malta 1,110,531,123
Mauritius 701,569
Mexico 1,712,564,970
Moldova 2,830,000
Mongolia 1,585,759
Montenegro 918,008
Morocco 2,706,999
Namibia 1,718,474
Netherlands 21,248,227,889
New Zealand 1,107,537,221
North Macedonia 13,721,991
Norway 430,020,825
Pakistan 13,000,000
Peru 39,533,790
Philippines 12,281,659
Poland 1,250,000,000
Romania 95,573,681
Russia 744,370,000
Rwanda 585,471
Samoa 11,004
Serbia 210,041,687
Singapore 12,341,779,497
Slovakia 48,368,574
Slovenia 156,159,355
Solomon Islands 72,724
South Africa 207,073,127
South Korea 7,925,500,000
Spain 4,520,699,155
Suriname 30,580
Sweden 8,209,587,987
Switzerland 30,038,353,839
Thailand 264,758,663
Ukraine 51,000,000
United Kingdom 27,616,275,398
United States 125,672,000,000
Uruguay 52,083,958
Uzbekistan 441,339