Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (% of GNI), 2020

Country Adjusted net savings, including particulate emission damage (% of GNI)
Albania -5.7
Algeria 16.0
Angola -10.4
Argentina 8.5
Armenia 1.0
Australia 7.7
Austria 12.2
Azerbaijan 6.7
Bahamas 15.6
Bangladesh 31.7
Belarus 13.3
Belgium 9.9
Belize 4.2
Bhutan 11.0
Bolivia 2.2
Botswana 12.5
Brazil 7.0
Brunei 29.8
Bulgaria 8.2
Cambodia 16.9
Cameroon -1.5
Canada 4.1
Cape Verde 25.1
Chile 7.6
China 16.5
Colombia 2.0
Comoros 0.5
Congo - Kinshasa 5.3
Costa Rica 14.2
Croatia 11.1
Cyprus 0.3
Czechia 9.2
Denmark 20.4
Djibouti 28.1
Dominican Republic 17.6
Ecuador 4.8
Egypt 3.7
El Salvador 6.0
Estonia 15.9
Eswatini 3.6
Ethiopia 15.7
Fiji 8.6
Finland 10.4
France 5.8
Gambia 11.6
Georgia -5.4
Germany 11.9
Ghana 8.8
Greece -7.0
Guatemala 7.6
Guinea 9.8
Honduras 23.2
Hungary 11.2
Iceland 8.1
India 17.1
Indonesia 12.8
Ireland 16.6
Israel 18.4
Italy 5.2
Jamaica 24.8
Japan 4.7
Jordan -0.9
Kazakhstan 6.5
Kyrgyzstan 10.4
Latvia 5.6
Lebanon -19.7
Lithuania 10.9
Luxembourg 16.5
Madagascar -6.3
Malaysia -1.4
Maldives 6.3
Mauritania 23.7
Mauritius 5.0
Mexico 5.3
Moldova 4.8
Mongolia -2.9
Morocco 18.1
Namibia 8.9
Nepal 26.0
Netherlands 15.3
New Zealand 9.5
Nicaragua 19.7
Nigeria 6.2
North Macedonia 13.3
Norway 12.8
Pakistan 7.9
Panama 19.0
Paraguay 17.7
Peru 9.8
Philippines 13.0
Poland 10.7
Portugal 1.5
Qatar 19.4
Romania 5.5
Russia 9.5
Rwanda -3.5
Saudi Arabia 13.4
Serbia 5.0
Singapore 28.3
Slovakia 2.8
Slovenia 11.2
Solomon Islands 4.0
South Africa -2.2
South Korea 18.2
Spain 7.4
Sri Lanka 17.2
Sudan 14.7
Sweden 18.9
Switzerland 12.7
Tajikistan 9.8
Thailand 11.7
Timor-Leste -1.0
Tonga 6.8
Uganda 8.9
Ukraine -1.7
United States 5.3
Uruguay 5.2
Uzbekistan 13.7
Vanuatu 32.7
Vietnam 9.0
Zambia 25.9
Zimbabwe -5.1