LBN Lebanon development indicators, 2022

Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population) 59.6
Fuel exports (% of merchandise exports) 0.4
Labor force participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate) 28.7
Labor force participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15+) (modeled ILO estimate) 67.0
Labor force, female (% of total labor force) 32.2
Labor force, total 1,866,554
Merchandise exports (current US$) 4,370,000,000
Merchandise imports (current US$) 19,503,000,000
Merchandise trade (% of GDP) 111
Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) 1,508
Ores and metals exports (% of merchandise exports) 11.0
Personal remittances, received (current US$) 6,841,077,100
Population ages 0-14 (% of total population) 27.4
Population ages 15-64 (% of total population) 62.7
Population ages 65 and above (% of total population) 9.9
Population growth (annual %) -1.9
Population in urban agglomerations of more than 1 million (% of total population) 44.3
Population, female (% of total population) 51.5
Population, total 5,489,739
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%) 6.3
Refugee population by country or territory of asylum 1,306,143
Refugee population by country or territory of origin 6,675
Rural population 589,488
Rural population (% of total population) 10.7
Terrestrial and marine protected areas (% of total territorial area) 0.8
Total reserves (includes gold, current US$) 32,512,880,022
Unemployment, female (% of female labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) 16.0
Unemployment, male (% of male labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) 11.0
Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) 12.6
Unemployment, youth female (% of female labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate) 24.3
Unemployment, youth male (% of male labor force ages 15-24) (modeled ILO estimate) 26.1
Urban population 4,900,251
Urban population (% of total population) 89.3