Publications by Zain Naboulsi

Google Data Analytics Capstone Case Study: How Does a Bike-Share Navigate Speedy Success?


Abstract Cyclistic, a popular bike-share company based in Chicago, strives to maximize its annual memberships for sustainable growth. The company has an existing user base composed of both casual riders (who opt for single-ride or full-day passes) and annual members. The focus of this case study is to understand the utilization patterns of thes...

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Johns Hopkins University Data Science Capstone - Milestone Report


Introduction Welcome to the Milestone Report for the Johns Hopkins Data Science Specialization. We appreciate you taking time to review our work and give feedback on our progress as well as thoughts on fitting a prediction model. Also, any insight you would like to share on the final plan for our Shiny application would be welcome. Initial Dat...

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Iris Predictor - A Simple and Interactive Flower Classifier


2023-05-08 Problem & Solution Problem: Machine learning algorithms can be challenging for non-experts to understand and apply. Solution: Our Shiny app simplifies the process with a user-friendly, interactive interface for predicting iris species based on user inputs. Key Features and Use Cases User-friendly interface: Designed for everyone, no pr...

914 sym

Air Quality - Temperature vs. Ozone Concentration


2023-05-07 Introduction This is a web page created with R Markdown featuring a plot created with Plotly. We used the “airquality” dataset that comes with R to show ozone concentration in relation to temperature. Plotly Plot...

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Earthquake Map with Clustering


Introduction This R Markdown document demonstrates how to create an interactive map with clustering using the leaflet package and the quakes dataset available in R. The quakes dataset contains information about 1,000 earthquakes around Fiji since 1964. Load required packages and data library(leaflet) data(quakes) Create an interactive map wi...

343 sym R (551 sym/2 pcs)

Predicting Exercise Quality with Sensor Data


Abstract Activity recognition research has primarily centered on identifying different activities, or predicting “which” action occurred at a specific moment. However, the execution quality, or the “how (well),” has been largely overlooked, even though it can offer valuable insights for numerous applications. In this work, we focus on d...

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Statistical Inference - Simulation Exercise


Overview In this project, we examined the exponential distribution within R and contrasted it with the Central Limit Theorem using 1,000 simulations, each containing a sample of 40 exponentials with a constant rate parameter (lambda) of 0.2. Our investigation focused on the distribution of the average of 40 exponentials, determining the sample ...

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Statistical Inference - Basic Inferential Data Analysis


Synopsis In this analysis, the ToothGrowth dataset, containing data on tooth growth in guinea pigs, was explored and summarized. The dataset has two variables: tooth length (len) and supplement type (supp), with either vitamin C (VC) or orange juice (OJ) as supplements. The data is divided across three different dose levels: 0.5, 1, and 2 mg/da...

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Negative Impact of Weather Events on Population Health and Economy


Synopsis Storms and other severe weather events can cause both public health and economic problems for communities and municipalities. Many severe events can result in fatalities, injuries, and property damage, and preventing such outcomes to the extent possible is a key concern. The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOA...

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